Directed by Tim Burton in 1993, this animated film stars the character Jack Skellington. Despite its name, it is a Halloween film.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
A favorite halloween activity, the result might be both a decoration and a pumpkin pie.
Pumpkin carving
A halloween favorite, this spirit of the dead has been known to float, haunt, and make spooky noises.
Kids walk from door to door and yell this phrase on Halloween in order to get candy.
Trick or treat!
Instead of pumpkins, what vegetable was first carved on Halloween?
First created in 1978, this film series had a sequel released this year. In it, serial killer Michael Myers stalks his victims.
On the territory of what modern-day country did Halloween originate?
They might drink your blood! It is said that they can be killed by garlic, a silver bullet, or a stake driven into their heart.
Often associated with ghosts, this adjective means «creepy; uncanny; causing fear or unease»
What is the best selling Halloween candy?
Snickers bar
Released in 1984, this film might make you scared to fall asleep. The well-known character Freddy Kruger is from this film.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
People come to these places specifically to be scared. The places are often very heavily decorated and employ actors.
Haunted houses
This monster comes from a book written in 1818 by British author Mary Shelly.
What is the best selling Halloween candy?
Snickers bar
Within 100 pounds [or 50 kilograms]... what is the heaviest pumpkin on record?
1,446 pounds
(656 kg)
Who you gonna call?
Around halloween time in America, some people visit farms where they can pay to be driven around in a carriage while laying on dried grass.
What is this activity called?
On a night with a full moon, this creature might suddenly start howling.
A name for a pumpkin that has been carved out and has a candle placed inside of it.
Within 5% points... what percentage of Americans decorate their homes for Halloween?
Every halloween Charlie Brown and Linus wait for this character to appear.
The great pumpkin
This is the original Celtic name for the holiday that we now call Halloween.
Coming from Arabian folklore, this zombie-like monster is known to rob graves.
Another name for Halloween night.
All Hallow's Eve
What famous magician died on Halloween, 1926?
Harry Houdini