Mischief Night
Its the Thriller!
Something Sweet

A god, a mess, Tom Hiddleston. 

Who is Loki?


Cross dressing takes on a whole new meaning and fava beans and chianti suddenly are not at all appetizing.

What is "Silence of the Lambs?"


Whether you prefer them candied, caramel dipped, or at the bottom of a barrel of water, there are plenty to go around.

What are apples?


A fairy tale trickster who, for whatever reason, wants a baby. Also seems to have some alchemy in his background.

Who is Rumplestiltskin?

Where Kathy Bates has a moment of perfect acting and absolute horror. Never give her a sledgehammer. Ever.

What is "Misery?"


The center color on a candy corn. If you don't know it by now, I am glad you came to the party!

What is orange?


A comic character who is estimated to have don approximately $16,000.00 in damge over the course of his reign of terror.

Who is Calvin? (fro Calvin and Hobbes)


No one is quite sure what is going on, probably not even the writer. Nor do we know if the poker chip ever stopped spinning.

What is "Inception?"


Give me a break. Please. I love them.

What is a Kit-Kat Bar?


The reason you might not want to key your ex's car, is because it is a class 1 misdemeanor in NC. So could egging houses.

What is vandalism?


He released "The Lodger" in 1927 and it became the first thriller movie ever released. He subsequently became known as the king of all things horror.

Who is Alfred Hitchcock?



How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?