You'll find this candy in the galaxy.
Milky Way
The first jack-o-lanterns where made from what.
What do you get when you drop a pumpkin.
The fear of enclosed spaces.
What is claustrophobia?
You will find this character riding a broom where ever she goes.
This candy will make you laugh.
What is the top selling Halloween candy?
What kind of music do mummies like to listen too?
Wrap music
Aerophobia is the fear of this.
What is the fear of heights?
This Halloween character only is awake at night, and even then it is hard to see them.
This is a cats favorites candy.
Kit Kat
The word Hallow means this
Where do ghosts buy their candy?
At the ghost-ery store
Arachnophobia is the fear of this.
What is spiders?
This Halloween character has a square, green face.
What is Frankenstein.
People who live in New York love this minty candy.
Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable.
What is a ghost's favorite dessert?
I - Scream
The fear of dogs is called this.
What is Cynophobia?
This Halloween character is known for their sharp teeth.
What is a vampire.
This type of candy loves the alphabet.
M & M
This percent of parents steal candy from their children.
What does a skeleton say before they eat?
Bone appetit
Hemophobia is the fear of this.
What is blood.
This Halloween character is also known for their time spent in Egypt.
What is a mummy?