Ghostly Grammar
(Past Tense)
(45 seconds)
Witch's Words
(Present Tense)
(45 Seconds)
Creepy Correct the Sentences
(1 minute)
Haunted Hints
(Multiple Choice)
(1 Minute 30 Seconds)
Pumpkin Patch Phrases
(Fill in the blank)
(2 minutes)

What is the past tense of “run”?

過去形の “run” は何ですか?



What is the present tense of “was”?

現在形の “was” は何ですか?



The mummy walked to the village now. (Correct the tense)

この文の時制を正してください: “The mummy walked to the village now.”

The mummy walks to the village now.


Which is the correct sentence?

1.    The werewolf runs away last night.

2.    The werewolf run away last night.

3.    The werewolf ran away last night.

3. The werewolf ran away last night.


One Halloween night, a black cat ____ (座る/sit) by the window. The wind ____ (吹く/blow) softly, and the moon ____ (輝く/shine) in the sky.

One Halloween night, a black cat sat(座った) by the window. The wind blew(吹いた) softly, and the moon shined(輝いた) in the sky.


Change this sentence to past tense: “The vampire attacks the village.”

この文を過去形に変えてください: “The vampire attacks the village.”

The vampire attacked the village.


Change this sentence to present tense: “The skeleton danced to scary music.”

この文を現在形に変えてください: “The skeleton danced to scary music.”

The Skeleton dances to scary music.


The zombies eats brains last night. (Correct the tense)

この文の時制を正してください: “The zombies eats brains last night.”

The zombie ate the brains last night.


Which is correct in present tense?

1.    The skeleton is dance on Halloween night.

2.    The skeleton dances on Halloween night.

3.    The skeleton danced on Halloween night.

2. The Skeleton dances on Halloween night.


Every year, the witch ____ (飛ぶ/fly) on her broomstick through the village. Last year, she ____ (見る/see) a group of children who ____ (着る/dress) as ghosts. She ____ (笑う/laugh) and ____ (飛び続ける/continue) flying.

Every year, the witch flies(飛ぶ) on her broomstick through the village. Last year, she saw(見た) a group of children who dressed(着ていた) as ghosts. She laughed(笑った) and continued(飛び続けた) flying.


What is the past tense of “begin” and “find”?

過去形の “begin” と “find” は何ですか?

Began and Found


What is the present tense of “knew”?

現在形の “knew” は何ですか?



Yesterday, the witch flies to the castle. (Correct the tense)

この文の時制を正してください: “Yesterday, the witch flies to the castle.”

Yesterday, the witch flew to the castle.


Choose the correct sentence:

1.    The witch flys across the sky every night.

2.    The witch flies across the sky every night.

3.    The witch flown across the sky every night.

2. The witch flies across the sky every night.


One evening, a skeleton ____ (歩く/walk) out of the graveyard. It ____ (決める/decide) to go to the town. When it ____ (到着する/arrive), everyone ____ (逃げる/run) away in fear. But the skeleton only ____ (言いたい/want) to say hello.

One evening, a skeleton walked(歩いた) out of the graveyard. It decided(決めた) to go to the town. When it arrived(到着した), everyone ran(逃げた) away in fear. But the skeleton only wanted(言いたかった) to say hello.


Change this sentence to past tense: “The witches fly over the dark forest every night.”

この文を過去形に変えてください: “The witches fly over the dark forest every night.”

The witches flew over the dark forest every night.


Change this sentence to present tense: “The ghost haunted the old castle.”

この文を現在形に変えてください: “The ghost haunted the old castle.”

The ghost haunts the old castle.


The vampire is drinked blood tonight. (Correct the tense)

この文の時制を正してください: “The vampire is drinked blood tonight.”

The vampire is drinking blood tonight.


Which is the correct sentence in past tense?

1.    The vampire drinks blood every night. He enjoys it.

2.    The vampire drinked blood last night. He enjoy it.

3.    The vampire drank blood last night. He enjoyed it.

3. The vampire drank blood last night. He enjoyed it.


At midnight, a ghost ____ (現れる/appear) in an old house. It ____ (浮く/float) through the walls and ____ (ささやく/whisper) to anyone who ____ (訪れる/visit). Last week, some friends ____ (探検する/explore) the house, and the ghost ____ (怖がらせる/scare) them away.

At midnight, a ghost appeared(現れた) in an old house. It floated(浮いた) through the walls and whispered (ささやいた) to anyone who visited(訪れた). Last week, some friends explored(探検した) the house, and the ghost scared(怖がらせた) them away.


Change both verbs in this sentence to the past tense:

“The werewolf howls and runs through the forest during the full moon.”


“The werewolf howls and runs through the forest during the full moon.”

The werewolf howled and ran through the forest during the full moon.


Change both verbs to present tense in this sentence:

“The witch created a potion and also casted a spell.”


“The witch created a potion and also casted a spell.”

The witch creates a potion and also casts a spell.


The ghosts scream every night but yesterday, they is silent. (Correct the tense)

(この文の時制を正してください: “The ghosts scream every night but yesterday, they is silent.”)

The ghosts scream every night but yesterday, they were silent.


Which is the correct sentence in the Present Tense:

1.    The students scream for help, but nobody hears them.

2.    The students screamed for help, but nobody heard them.

3.    The students screams for help, but nobody hear them.

1. The students scream for help, but nobody hears them.


Many years ago, a group of adventurers ____ (旅する/travel) into a haunted forest. As they ____ (歩く/walk) deeper, they ____ (聞く/hear) strange noises. Suddenly, a giant yokai ____ (飛び出す/jump) out of the shadows. The adventurers ____ (逃げる/run), but one of them ____ (決める/decide) to stay and ____ (戦う/fight).

Many years ago, a group of adventurers traveled(旅した) into a haunted forest. As they walked(歩いた) deeper, they heard(聞こえた) strange noises. Suddenly, a giant yokai jumped(飛び出した) out of the shadows. The adventurers ran(走って逃げた), but one of them decided(決めた) to stay and fight(戦う).