This popular Radio Drama debuted for Halloween in 1938...made famous by Orson Wells
What is the "War of the Worlds"
Traditionally sprinkled on your doorstep on Halloween night to ward off evil spirits
What is salt
The number of days the original movie Halloween in 1978 took to film
What is 21
90 million pounds of this food is bought by Americans the week of Halloween
What is chocolate
What is Christmas
The famous magician who died on Halloween
Who is Harry Houdini
Past this year, this will not happen again until 2039
What is a full moon on Halloween night
What is 1978
What is 25%
Skeletons have long been a Halloween decoration. In an accurate human skeleton decoration, this is the number of bones in that skeleton
What is 206
What Scottish women attempted to see when hanging wet sheets in front of a fire
What are their future husbands
The percentage of adults who dress up for Halloween
What is 50%
The year the first film adaptation of Frankenstein premiered
What is 1910
Enough of this candy is produced each year that if laid end to end could circle the moon 21 times
What is Candy Corn
The number of bat species in the world
What is 1400
The Salem Witch Trials began
What is 4000 BC
The name of the movie with traditions of throwing candy at the screen, singing along and dressing up in costumes
What is the Rocky Horror Picture Show
What is the worlds largest pumpkin pie
The type of correspondence or decoration that was first made in the early 1920s
What is a Halloween card
The author of the classic horror book "Dracula"
Who is Bram Stoker
Samhainopobia is the fear of this
What is Halloween
The number of actors to have played Batman (TV and Movies)
What is 10
What are Turnips
These were originally used to ward of evil spirits on Halloween
What are Jack O' Lanterns