On what day is Halloween?
October 31st
What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
Complete the sentence:
Every year I ________ candy for Halloween. (collect)
Every year, I collect candy for Halloween.
Who is the best teacher?
Which country celebrates the Day of the Dead instead of Halloween?
What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
Put this sentence at the negative form.
Every year, I collect candy for Halloween.
Every year, I don't collect candy for Halloween.
How old is William? (the teacher)
24 years old!
Where does Halloween come from?
United Kingdom AND / OR Ireland
How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn't hit anything, there is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it?
Throw it upwards.
Put this sentence into a yes / no question:
Every year, I collect candy for Halloween.
Do I collect candy for Halloween every year?
Every year, do I collect candy for Halloween?
What high-school did William go to?
What do you say in English to have candy?
Trick or Treat!
What five-letter word has one left when two letters are removed?
Put this sentence into an information question:
Every year, I collect candy for Halloween.
Why do I collect candy every year?
When do I collect candy?
What is William's favorite dish?
In the Halloween tradition, why did people start wearing costumes?
To scare off evil spirits / ghosts.
Imagine you are in a room with 3 switches. In an adjacent room there are 3 bulbs (let's say in lamps which are on a regular table), each switch belongs to one bulb. All are off at the moment. It is impossible to see from one room to another. No help from anybody else is allowed. How can you find out which switch belongs to which bulb, if you may enter the room with the bulbs only once?
Keep the first bulb switched on for a few minutes. It gets warm, right? So all you have to do then is ... switch it off, switch another one on, walk into the room with bulbs, touch them and tell which one was switched on as the first one (the warm one) and the others can be easily identified ...
What question could be asked for this to be the answer:
Paul dresses up as a clown for Halloween.
What does Paul dress up as for Halloween?
What is my favorite TV show?
Big Brother