Spooky Concepts
Cauldron of Creativity
Conflict Handling with Frankenstein
Headless Quadruplets
Words of Wisdom from Beyond the Grave
Sometimes viewed as the precursor to innovation, this imaginative concept is the development of ideas about products, practices, services, or procedures that are novel and potentially useful to organizations.
What is creativity?
These two brainy techniques encourage creative thinking.
What are brainstorming and brainwriting?
Put on your costume mask and play the part- these are the three expressed emotional approaches to negotiation.
What are rational, positive and negative?
Do your homework, mull over the problem, hope for a flash of inspiration, and evaluate the solution--put more simply, these are the four stages in the creative process.
What are Preparation, Incubation, Illumination and Verification?
This automaker lived his philosophy: “Whether you believe you can, or whether you believe you can’t, you’re absolutely right.”
Who is Henry Ford?
These types of skills which enable individuals to be more creative include the ability to think creatively, generate alternatives, engage in divergent thinking, and suspend judgement.
What are the cognitive creativity skills? (also accept: creativity relevant skills)
It may not be simple, but this organizational technique is designed to include high levels of significance, identity, variety, autonomy and feedback.
What is job complexity?
Thomas’s taxonomy of conflict handling modes expresses a person’s strategic intention in a conflict, represented by these two axes.
What are cooperativeness and assertiveness?
Brainstorming doesn’t require cloudbursts in the skull, when you follow these four rules.
What are Expressiveness, Nonevaluation, Quantity and Building?
This Pulitzer Prize winning astronomer said: “It is the tension between creativity and skepticism that has produced the stunning and unexpected findings of science.”
Who is Carl Sagan?
This bold brainstorming technique involves saying whatever ideas come to mind without focusing on constraints.
What is expressiveness?
Creative organizations often adopt this flexible organizational structure allows creative organizations to encourage open, sustained contact with outsiders and information-seeking from multiple sources.
What is a flat structure?
Frankenstein may sway you towards this type of bargaining, the classical win-lose approach in which a fixed amount of resources are divided.
What is distributive?
As Goldilocks would say, some people are too soft and some people are too hard when negotiating, so Fisher and Ury developed the idea of principled negotiation which relies on these four principles.
What are People, Interests, Options and Criteria?
You don’t have to be a genius physicist to know: "If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it."
Who is Albert Einstein?
The acronym for this shrewd backup plan is BATNA.
What is the Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement?
Considering Schwartz’s universal values, people who rate high on this value tend to be less creative than those who rate low, and they value tradition, conformity and security.
What is Conservation?
These two types of functional conflict, focused on conflict about the work itself, or how it gets done, can be beneficial if properly managed.
What are task conflict and process conflict?
While anyone can work on becoming more creative, these four characteristics distinguish a more naturally creative person.
What are Personality Traits, Domain Specific Knowledge, Cognitive Creativity Skills and Intrinsic Motivation? (also accept: tolerance of risk)
When describing Steve Jobs, this Pixar legend said: “His talent is identifying good people and giving them free rein.”
Who is Ed Catmull?
You must maintain this to uphold a claimed sense of positive public image in any social interaction.
What is face?
Go with it--this creative process phenomenon is also known as autotelic experience.
What is flow?
While people in other cultures may be in it for themselves, Asian, Mediterranean, Latino, Middle Eastern, and African are more likely to be this type of culture.
What is collectivist?
Creative Realism is the most highly original and useful thinking quadrant, but these are four conceptual domains in which new ideas can be classified, considered as a continuum.
What are Creative, Realistic, Conservative and Idealistic?
The model of the options one has in handling conflict bears his name, so it is not surprising he was quoted as saying: “Escalation is reflected in such changes as increasing the number and size of the issues disputed, increasing hostility, increasing competitiveness, pursuing increasingly extreme demands or objectives, using increasing coercive tactics, decreasing trust, and enlisting other parties to take sides in the conflict.”
Who is Kenneth Thomas?