Before Johnny Depp was famously known as Jack Sparrow, he starred in the famous horror movie...
Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
"Hocus Pocus" was released in the year...
The lyric: "And since I am dead, I can take off my head, To recite Shakespearean quotation" is from the movie...
The Nightmare before Christmas
The house from the movie "Poltergeist" was haunted because...
It was was built on cemetery ground.
Jurassic Park (1993) was originally known as a horror book, true or false?
The actress Jamie Lee Curtis got her big break when she starred in the slasher movie...
Halloween (1978)
"Ghostbusters" was released in the year...
The quote: "Come play with us," belongs to the movie...
The Shining (1980)
The movie "Amityville Horror (1979)" takes place in the state of...
New York
"Amityville Horror" is based off of a true story, true or false?
The actress Drew Barrymore, played a small role in the beginning of the slasher movie...
Scream (1996)
"The Nightmare Before Christmas" was released in the year...
1993 (in the month of October so its a halloween movie idc)
The quote: "I want to play a game," came from the horror movie franchise...
Michael Myers's mask from the movie "Halloween (1978)" is actually a mask of the character/actor...
Captain Kirk/William Shatner
"The Blair Witch Project" is based off of a true story, true or false?
The actress Jodie Foster played an FBI agent trying to catch a serial killer in the movie...
Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The movie "Alien" was released in the year...
The lyric: "It's over now, the music of the night," comes from the spooky broadway musical...
Phantom of the Opera
Sissy Spacek slept in her character's "blood-soaked" prom dress for three days for the movie...
Carrie (1976)
The movie "The Thing" was a widely acclaimed movie at its release and received many positive reviews, true or false?
The actor Bela Lugosi, was known for playing the role as the famous horror character...
Dracula from the movie Dracula (1931)
The movie the "The Exorcist" was released in...
The quote: "What's your favorite scary movie?" belongs to the movie...
Scream (1996)
During filming, the director used real bees in the slasher movie...
Candyman (1992)
6 cast members died during or within 6 years after the filming of the "Poltergeist" series, true or false.
False, actually 4 people died (woahh creepy)