Scary Characters
Creepy Things
What am I?
Halloween Things

I am wrapped but I am not a gift, I am kept neatly in a chamber and Archeologists find me as a great treasure. What am I?

A mummy


You’ll find me in the quietest, creepiest place in town, yet people are dying to get in. What am I?

A cemetery


I’m tall when I’m young, I’m short when I’m old, and once a year, I make heavy pumpkins light. What am I?

A candle


What is orange, smart and hollow?

A bright jack-o-lantern


We have no flesh, no feathers, no scales, no bones. We do have fingers and thumbs of our own. What are we?



Made out of different body parts
Brought to life by electricity
Bolts in my neck and yellowish skin
Why can’t people show me some pity?
Who am I?



This is rectangular, hollow and has a lid, and where you’ll find it you might wonder, it is just six feet under. What is it?

A coffin


I always leave a trace, so you can see where I’ve been. I have some extra legs, and I make people scream. What am I?

A spider


It is thanks to this item
that you can sweep the floor
It’s also used by witches
So they can fly and soar.
What is it?

A broom

What is dead, cold, hard and surrounds a cemetery?

A fence


Oz had good ones from the north and south
And wicked ones from the east and west,
But flying around on a broomstick
Is probably how I’m known the best.
What am I?

A witch


 I wander around although I am dead
I like to eat the brains in your head.
What am I?

A zombie


From the head down to toes, through every living being I flow. Some people might faint when they see me though! What am I?


Eye of newt and toe of frog
Wool of bat? Just a spot
These are all what witches brew
Inside this big black pot.
What is it?

A cauldron


What is red, juicy, delicious but could be poisonous that is offered by the wrong woman?

Snow White's Apple


I have a body, legs and arms but I have no guts. What am I?

A skeleton


I protect, I stand tall
my purpose is to strike fear in all.
What am I?

A scarecrow


I live in a spooky castle or even in a cave, I sleep upside down and I am so creepy that people run because they’re scared. What am I?

A bat


Often used by witches to cast their spell
a slimy creature am I, and ugly as well
What am I?

A toad


I have hundreds of ears, but I can’t hear a thing. What am I?

A cornfield


No matter what type you are, when I’m thirsty I will come and find you no matter where you are. Who am I?

A vampire


Darkness, dust, cobwebs and creaking floors.
Secrets, spirits, strange noises and occasional slamming doors.
What am I?

A Haunted House


I am known to be bad luck when you see me in the dark and oh how I hate the rain but one thing is for sure you won’t hear me bark. What am I

A black cat


I am home to one, enemy to another
I am silky smooth, but I am never desired.
What am I?

A spider web

Where do ghosts, mummies, and zombies love to swim?

The Dead Sea