White with a hole for eyes and mouth typically says Boo?
Who is this? Uncle from the Adams Family.
Uncle Fester
Who is this? The father in the Munsters?
Herman Munster
What are these? Melt in you mouth not in your hand
What do kids typically do on Halloween?
Trick or Treat
8 legged creepy crawly critters?
I am a white dog with a red collar. What am I?
What does a magician say when preforming a magic trick?
Hocus Pocus
The most popular costume in 2023?
I'm from Transylvania and I drink blood and turn into a bat. Who am I?
The dad in the Adams Family
Gomez Adams
What was the name of Eddies Doll?
Wolf Wolf
What old and very famous candy was used to assist soldiers for quick energy in WW2?
Tootsie Rolls they could hold up well if the weather or conditions changed, They were also used to patch equipment and could be eaten in cold weather. They were actually dropped by mistake (tootsie roll was a code name for motor shells) but they were quite useful anyway.
Carving a pumpkin into a pumpkin face is always fun. What is this Halloween Tradition called?
Carving a Jack o Lantern
winged flying creatures of the night often believed to suck blood of humans and in human form are vampires. What are they?
Vampire Bat
Dressed in a brown dog suit with a blue and yellow collar and the letters SD What am I?
Scooby Doo
What do kids say when they come to your door for candy?
What was it called before it was called Halloween?
All Hallows Eve
a Dr made me and yelled "its alive" but I was a failed experiment. What am I?
Frankstein or Franksteins Monster
Who is this? Mom in the Adams Family.
Morticia Adams
What creature is Lily Munster?
What two colors of M&M's typically appear together in the TV commercials?
Red and Yellow
Kids and adults wear these on Halloween what are they?
red and sticky often spilled in a strange place or splattered on the walls or floor
Blood or blood spatter
Trick to Treater wearing a sparking blue dress with a tiara and says she must be careful of her glass slippers. What is she dressed as
What words is typically associated with ghosts?
The country where Transylvania is located, home of Dracula?
I grow hair and fangs on a full moon and howl at the moon what am I?
Wear Wolf
Name the old oldest Adams Family kids.
Bonus if you can name the 3rd one.
Wednesday Pugsley and Pubert
What kind of of creature is Uncle Lester (brother of Lily)?
What are these? Orange, Yellow, and Brown candies
Reese's Piece's
Kids often visit these for a fun scare. What are they?
Hint: most neighborhoods have one
Haunted House
something that raddles often against the bars of a cage or a metal hook in the floor
chains or chains against a cage
This little boy is dresses as snoopy his friend is dresses as snoopy's best friend. What is he dressed as?
A witch uses this to mix up her positions.
Place where Ichabod Crane lived when he encountered the headless horseman?
Sleepy Hollow
What am I?
Whos Mom was Granny in the Adams Family?
Bonus if you can name her name.
Granny Frump, or known by her first name(s), Hester or Griselda, is a relative of The Addams Family. She is the mother of Morticia Addams and Ophelia Frump
What is the name of Herman's Boss?
Mr. Gateman
What is the most hated Halloween Candy?
Hint: its a Halloween staple
Candy Corn
Takes place in the west village in New York every year on Halloween. Said to be a Halloween Tradition What is it?
Halloween Parade
something in the wall that appears to lead out but only leads to a brick wall
Hint: has a handle
door or trap door leading only to a dead end
What was Adain for his first Halloween?
Winnie the Pooh (first piece of Halloween candy)
Often visited on Halloween and ghost stories are told here. It is often said that fences are build around these because people are dyeing to get in
Cemetery or Grave Yard
The witch trials were held here where is it?
Pointed hat and mole often a green face and evil cackle what am I?
Lurch he is the Butler
Which of the Munsters Herman or Lily is the biological family of Marylin?
Lily she is the daughter of Lily's sister as referenced by Herman but we are never told why she lives with her aunt and uncle or who her parents are
What are these called? Black and Orange wrapped taffy.
Peanut butter kisses
Navigating through corn stalks in Autumn.
Corn Maze
School that Harry Potter attended.
Pinstriped suit, spats, Fedoras what am I dressed as?
1920's Gangster
a general word for things that go bump in the night
What famous magician died on Halloween?
Hint: he was raised in WI
Harry Houdini
a frightening creature that is a dead person who has been brought back to life, but without human qualities, often said to eat brains what am I?
What is this? What is his/her name? Adams Family pet
Grandpa made a special position for Marilyn. What was it supposed to do for the "homely niece" ?
make her irrespirable to menfolk as they kept running way at site of her scary family
Most popular Halloween Candy in WI
What type of movies does once watch on a Halloween?
Bonus: Name the 1960's Hitchcock Classic
Scary or Horror Movies
Silver typically carries an ax sword or spiked ball and chain and appears to follow you through out the house but is only ever seen moving out of the corner of ones eye. What is it?
Suit of Armor
Eye Patch, Hook hand, 3 cornered hat and may or may not have a peg leg or pet parrot What am I for Halloween?
Vampires werewolf's and other scary creatures have these in their mouths
A male which is called a what?
Wizard or Warlock
I wear all black and a hood so my face cant not be seen and carry a sickle what am I?
Grim Reaper
Who is this?
Cousin ITT
Where did The Munsters live?
1313 Mockingbird Lane in Mockingbird heights possibly outside LA
He did the Mash, he the Monster Mash. It was a ________________.
Graveyard Smash
The movie with the Sanderson Sisters whipping up a magic potion.
Hocus Pocus
What was snickers before it was Snickers in the Untied Kingdoms?
What do Zombies typically say when they see a human?
Hint: its what they eat
What vegetable (not Pumpkins although they are considered to be a fruit) was considered to have magical powers on Halloween?