This superstition states that if this animal crosses your path you will have bad luck..
A black cat
People 'bob' for this fruit on Halloween.
What is the primary ingredient for candy corn?
Pumpkins are most commonly made into this dessert...
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkins are mostly made up of...
Vampires are believed to be doing the following thing to gain power and survive.
Sucking/drinking blood
This is the name of the father in "The Addams Family."
Gomez Addams
In the movie "The Purge" how long does the annual purge last?
12 hours
What direction do birds begin to migrate in during the fall season?
This animal starts to burry acorns in autumn for retrieving later on in the winter.
Transylvania otherwise known as home to Count Dracula is located in this country.
Mary Shelley wrote this classic horror novel. The book tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a Swiss student of natural science who creates an artificial man from pieces of corpses and brings his creature to life.
What is America's favorite Halloween candy.
September 23rd, 2023 is the first day of what?
Fall Season or Autumn Equinox
What is the most common Halloween costume for 2023?
The name of the holiday that coincides with Halloween in Mexico is called...
Dia De Los Muertos or Day of the Dead
What is the day before Halloween called?
All Hallows Eve.
Trick or Treaters originally received this instead of candy…
Oktoberfest takes place every autumn in which country?
What country is known as the birth place of Halloween?
This is the most popular costume for pets...
Pumpkin followed by hot dog, bat, bumblebee and witch.
In this 1984 classic horror film the main character wields a glove with razors for fingers.
Freddy Krueger
What is the most watched Halloween themed movie?
Hocus Pocus
In this song's music video Michael Jackson transforms and dances as a zombie.
Full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox is...
The Harvest Moon