If someone is making you feel uncomfortable online do you tell your parents? Yes, No , or Maybe?
Yes, you should always tell your parents or at least a trusted adult if someone is making you feel uncomfortable.
If someone you do not know messages you to meet up in person, what do you say?
If your friend sends you a link for a website you do not know, do you click on the link?
No because it could contain inappropriate content.
If someone posts a mean comment on your social media post, how should you react?
You should not retaliate and tell a trusted adult.
If a website asks for you location should you fill it in?
No you should not, you never know where that information is going to go.
If a person asks for your parents name, should you respond.
No you should also ask your parent if they know the stranger.
What does JK mean. Should you type like this?
Just kidding is what it means and you should not type like this.
Where can you go to talk to other people on the Internet.
A Chatroom!
What is it called when a person harrases you on social media?
A Cyber Bully.
True or FALSE... Should you ask a trusted adult before putting in personal information.
Can Cyberbullying happen to your parents.
Yes cyberbullying can happen to anyone.
When a person texts HAHAH, does it mean they are mad at you?
No even though they should not be messaging in caps they are not mad, they are laughing.
Is it OK to download files from an unknown website?
What is it called when you behave and type responsibly online?
If someone you do not know asks you a personal question what should you do?
You should turn off your device and tell a parent or trusted adult.
If your mom sends you a message how should you respond.
With respect and Netiquette.
What is it called when angry and rude messages are used in chat rooms, emails, or IM's.
A. Friends
B. Flowers
C. Flaming
The answer is C. Flaming.
Which of these passwords is the most secure?
A. Password
B. YourName
C. 17Hs*yj2
True or FALSE...Taking pictures with a phone is one way cyber bullies can personally harass you?
The is TRUE.
Should you post a picture of your home address?
No you should not.
If someone messages you claiming to be a parent or family member what do you do?
You go to your parent in person and ask them if the account is their because it could be a random stranger claiming to be your parent.
When you are chatting with someone online what is an immediate red flag?
-The username
-Asking for personal information
-Asking to meet up
-Asking for personal photos
-Making you feel uncomfortable
-Threatening you or your family
Who should you share your passwords with, who should you not share them with?
You should share your passwords with either your parents or teacher, you should not share your passwords with strangers or even friends.
Can someone you know be a cyber bully?
Yes anyone you know has the capability of being a cyber bully no matter if they are your friend.
-Phone Number
-Parents Names