Rotation and Gravitation
Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Energy, etc.
If you dare
The moment of inertia of a solid sphere of mass m and radius r.
What is 2/5 mr^2?
If a person pushes horizontally with a force of 220 N on a 55 kg crate to move it across a level floor, the magnitude of the frictional force on the crate (given for coefficient of kinetic friction is .35).
What is .56 m/s^2
The magnitude of the electric field at a distance 2m from a point charge of magnitude 3 C.
What is 6.75e9?
The magnetic force on a particle of charge 9C moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of magnitude 5T at a velocity of 7m/s
What is 315 N?
The theory with which quantum mechanics and special relativity first fully agreed, pioneered by Richard P. Feynman.
What is quantum electrodynamics?
The angular momentum of a thin ring with mass 2kg and radius 3cm after traveling 40 rads in 5 seconds.
What is .0144 kg*m^2/s?
If a plane diving with a constant speed at an angle of 53.0 degrees with the vertical releases a projectile at an altitude of 730 m and the projectile hits the ground after 5 seconds, the horizontal distance traveled by the projectile during its flight.
What is 806 m?
The electric field and electric potential at the center of an equilateral triangle of side length s that has a charge +q at each vertex.
What is 0, 3sqrt(3)kq/s?
The force per unit length between two wires that have currents 20 A and 30 A and are separated by distance of 9m.
What is .00001333 N/m
The mass energy of a small particle of mass 2e-16 kg.
What is 18 J?
The speed of a solid uniform sphere of mass m and radius r at the bottom of an incline of height h, length l, and incline angle Θ, released from rest.
What is sqrt((10/7)gh)?
The tension in the cable of an elevator cab that weighs 27.8kN and is moving upwards if the cab's speed is increasing at a rate of 1.22m/s^2
What is 31.3 kN?
The number of electrons that pass through any cross section of a wire in 4 minutes if the wire has a current of 5 A.
What is 7.5e21?
The total energy in an oscillating LC circuit that consists of a 75.0 mH inductor and a 3.60 uF capacitor and whose capacitor has a maximum charge of 2.90 uC.
What is 1.17 uJ?
The length of a 12 m rod as viewed from a passing spaceship traveling at 2.7e8 m/s.
What is 5.23 m?
If a mass M is split into two parts, m and M-m, and each part is separated by a certain distance, the ratio m/M that maximizes the magnitude of the gravitational force between the parts.
What is 1/2?
If a 60.0 kg circus performer slides 4.00 m down a pole to the circus floor starting from rest, the kinetic energy of the performer as she reaches the floor if the frictional force on her from the pole is 500 N.
What is 2.35e3 J?
The expression of the electric field a very large rectangular plate with surface charge density +σ creates.
What is σ/2Eo?
If a battery is connected to a series RL circuit at time t=0, the multiple of τ at which the current will be .100% less than its equilibrium value.
What is 6.91?
The three elementary types of neutrinos.
What are electron, muon, and tau?
If three identical stars of mass M form an equilateral triangle that rotates around the triangle's center as the stars move in a common circle about that center, the expression of the speed of the stars (the triangle has length L).
What is sqrt(GM/L)?
The greatest elevation angle that a football kicker can give a ball to score a field goal from a point 50m in front of goalposts whose horizontal bar is 3.44 m above the ground.
What is 63 degrees?
If two positive charges q1 and q2 are separated by a distance s, the amount of work needed to bring from infinity a third positive q3 and place it such that the three charges form an equilateral triangle of side length s. `
What is (-kq1q3/s)-(kq2q3/s)?
The expression for the magnitude of the magnetic field produced by the current I at the center of a square loop of wire (edge length a).
What is (2√2 μ0 I)/(πa)?
The approximate mass of a W Guage Boson in GeV/c^2.
What is 80.4?