what is a gamekeeper thumb?
Thumb spain
finkelstein's test
DeQuervain's Disease
axial blow to tip of finger or sudden twisting force
Phalynx Fracture
luncate is most common
carpal dislocation
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Injury to the tendon that straightens the tip of your finger
Mallet Finger
paresthesia is from
Carpal tunnel
Tissue death due to lack of blood
forceful impact causes one bone to move forward and the other to move back
phalynx dislocation
tenosynovitis of the wrist
DeQuervain's Disease
an avulsion strain
Jersey Finger
what nerve is compressed while having carpal tunnel syndrome
median nerve
Injury to 5th carpal
Boxer's Fractures
a depression over the wrist that can be seen when finger are extended
Anatomical snuffbox
depressed MCP joint
Metacarpal Fracture
Surgery is required the fist this injury happens
Boutonniere Deformity
Caused by Repetitive wrist flexion
Wrist Tendonitis
Fracture of the distal radius
Colles' Fracture
Murphery signs
Carpal dislocation
Cant flex DIP
Mechanism: axial force/impact to tip of finger
Finger sprain
Blood Under Fingernail
Subungual hematoma
Scaphoid most common fractured
Carpal Fracture
Treatment is rice
both dislocations
flexed PIP Hyperextension of DIP
Boutonniere Deformity