Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer (ABHS) vs. Soap and Water
True or False

Most effective way to prevent the spread of infection in a healthcare setting.

What is hand hygiene?


The recommended duration for performing HH, using ABHS.

What is 20 seconds?


The preferred method of HH in most clinical situations.

What is ABHS?


Gloves are a good substitute for performing hand hygiene.

What is false? Always perform hand hygiene before donning gloves and immediately after removal.


These healthcare workers are responsible for performing hand hygiene.

Who are all healthcare workers?


These items should be removed before performing hand hygiene.

What is jewelry (rings, bracelets, etc.)?


Before eating and after using the restroom, this method of hand hygiene should be used.

What is washing hands with soap and water?


Hand hygiene with soap and water is more effective at killing germs on hands than ABHS.

What is false? ABHS is more effective at killing germs on hands than soap and water. Unless hands are visibly soiled.


The minimum alcohol concentration that CDC recommends for ABHS, for it to be effective.

What is 60 percent?


When performing hand hygiene, you should go up this far on your arm.

What is your wrist?


Results in improved skin condition with less irritation and dryness than soap and water.

What is ABHS?


Artificial nails are acceptable in healthcare settings.

What is false? Artificial nails can contribute to the transmission of germs and should not be worn when having direct contact with high-risk patients.


Hand hygiene is very important in preventing these organisms which are resistant to one or more classes of antimicrobial agents.

What are multi-drug resistant organisms?


These areas are most often missed by HCP while performing hand hygiene.

What are thumbs, fingertips and between fingers?


When hands are visibly soiled or providing care to a resident with suspected or confirmed C-diff, this method of hand hygiene should be used.

What is washing hands with soap and water?


It is acceptable to refill or “top off” containers of liquid soap.

What is false? According to the CDC, this has been associated with outbreaks.