Cell Phones should be where all day?
Bookbag or purse
What side of the hall do we walk on?
When can you not go to the restroom?
First and Last 10 minutes.
Students should be in...
Dress code at all times.
Cell Phones should never be..
Out or in your pockets
Students should go straight from one classroom to....
Respect others by not..
looking into other stalls.
What happens if you're not in dress code?
You get sent to ISS.
What else other than cell phones can not be used?
Smart watches and AirPods (earbuds)
Students should not stop at the..
restrooms or water fountains.
What do students not take in the bathroom?
pens and pencils, markers, phones, book bags.
Shorts skirts and dress should be...
appropriate length.
What happens if you are caught with your phone?
Teacher takes it and sends it to the front and your parents must pick it up after 3:30.
What do you need in order to be in the hall?
Hall Pass
Students are encouraged to report any..
Horse playing or messes made in the bathroom.
If you wear leggings..
your shirt must cover your bottom.
What times throughout the day can cell phones not be out?
In order for you to leave any classroom you must do what?
Sign out.
What's the restroom motto?
Choose it, use it, flush it, wash it.
True or false..
A student can have their stomach showing.