These are stated each morning on announcements (can be over PA system or video)?
What is the date, time, day of the rotation, Pledge of Allegiance, and either the Coles Pledge or Coles vision statement.
For probationary staff, these are submitted to the overseeing administrator twice per month (first and third Monday) and feedback will be provided.
What are lesson plans? Staff on continuing contract in the evaluation cycle will turn in lesson plans once per month to the overseeing administrator.
These are used as tools to measure student reading skills (what they can do).
What is DRA? What is PALS? What is VKRP? What is QRI? What are VDOE growth assessments?
These are teams that meet to discuss what students are supposed learn and be able to do, how they will learn it, how we will know if they have learned it, and what will we do if they haven't learned it.
What are collaborative learning teams (CLT)?
These help shape our schoolwide culture.
What are Elements of Success?
This is announced at the end of the day to celebrate students.
What is "great calls home?"
We follow these from the very start of the school year to know what our students are supposed to learn.
What are Virginia Standards of Learning?
These are used to measure the impact of your instruction and measure student learning?
What are common formative assessments? What are summative assessments?
This is the term for when a team plans with another teacher who is part of the learning environment in their classroom and also responsible for the learning of the students in the classrom.
What is co-planning?
These are generated with students at the beginning of the school year to help students know what their role is around the building.
What is a quality student? What are class norms/ rules? What are expectations? Looks like, sounds like, feels like.
These should be held at least weekly within the classroom and can be used to build relationships, build ownership and accountability, discuss happenings in the classroom, can be problem-solving in nature, etc....
What are class meetings?
These are developed by the school division and grade level teams to determine how much time is needed to instruct on the standards students are supposed to learn.
What are pacing guides? These are important for encore teachers to also utilize to integrate content into their lessons. And for general education teachers to utilize from the encore teachers to integrate into their lessons.
This should be done by the teacher and student when measuring their learning.
What is reflection and analysis?
These are other professionals you most likely will want to plan with.
Who are the ESOL teachers? Who are special education teachers? Who is the ITC? Who is the reading specialist? Who is the PALS tutor? Who is the gifted education teacher? Who is the encore team? Who is the school counselor? Who is the administrative team?
Students need to be taught doing this is very important, given time to practice, and reminded of, and expected of every day.
What is making good choices/ decisions?
This should be entered into the HUB each day by 9:15 am.
What is attendance? Teachers are also required to contact a parent after 3 unexcused absences to find out why they have been absent, remind them to send a written note in identifying the reason for the absence, and discuss any work missed.
These should be provided to the front office by the second week in September.
What are emergency substitute plans? These should be plans that are not specific to a given day but is on a topic you may have already taught and includes all of the other pieces of the instructional process. These should also include directions of the need to make copies of something, a student roster, any allergies, what to do in a crisis, your schedule, dismissal procedures, etc...
These are used to drive the monitoring of teacher and all staff progress in their roles of educating students.....
What are the standards and key elements in the Professional Performance Process?
This should be used as a key part of the process for determining next steps and show you the impact of your teaching.
What is data analysis and reflection?
Students take their lead from who?
These are held twice per month for the entire staff on Thursdays (usually the first and third Thursday of each month).
What are staff meetings? Leadership team meets once per month on the second Thursday. We may also meet in instructional committees (chart sent out)
These are important for students to be able to learn....
What is engaging students in the learning process? What is specific, targeted, rigorous, authentic, and intentional practice of skills they are learning? What are metacognitive strategies to remember? What is retrieval practice, spacing, interleaving? What is a positive climate and culture? What is making the learning relevant to their lives? What is differentiation? What is teacher clarity on what students are supposed to be able to learn and do? What is student and teacher efficacy (the belief that they make a difference in the learning)? What is goal setting and reflection?
These plans are designed to meet the needs of individual learners.
What is an IEP? What is an intervention plan? What is a 504 plan? What is a Differentiated Service Plan? What is an individual needs plan and can-do descriptors?
This is a model designed to release the learning in stages.
What is gradual release of responsibility (I do (modeling), we do (guided practice), we do (buddy practice), you do (independent practice)?
These are the key elements for success.
What is flexibility (Neptune--water)? responsibility (Terra--earth)? respect? perseverance (ignis---fire)? honesty (Makani---air)?