The length of the initial probationary period for newly hired employees
What is 90 days
A standard full-time employee at the Foundation is hired to work at least this number of hours?
What is thirty (30) hours.
Work above this number of hours is considered overtime
What: is 40 hours
True or False: There must be just cause documented for terminating a newly hired probationary employee during his/her probationary period.
This type of employee is hired as interim replacements or for specific projects for a limited duration of time.
What is a temporary employee.
This is the pay rate for overtime hours.
What is One and ½ half of the employee’s rate
The President has the authority to extend a new employee's probationary period by how many calendar days?
What is 30 days
True or False
Each of the Foundations insurance benefits carries the same definition of full-time and part-time employees
Which exemption status qualifies for overtime pay
What is non-exempt.
All Foundation employees are deemed to have this type of employment relationship.
What is at-will employment?
The minimum number of hours that a part-time employee is hired to work.
What is sixteen (16) hours.
This is the workweek for the purposes of determining overtime
What is 12:00am on Sunday to 11:59pm on Saturday.
Excessive absence above what number of calendar days will be factored into the completion of the employee’s probationary period?
What is five (5) days.
Name the two classification statuses that are determined at time of hire.
What is exempt or non-exempt.
The number of Foundation observed holidays
What is nine (9)
According to the handbook, what Foundation benefits are Part-time and temporary employees eligible for?
Part-time and temporary employees receive legally mandated benefits (such as social security and workers’ comp). Part-time employees also receive pro-rated PTO and other leave of absence as outlined in the policy.