Hit the Books!
Looking Fine!
Behave Yourself!
A Box of Chocolates

The authority for all issues of life, including education.

What is the Bible?


Teachers and parents should check student grades this often in order to make sure they are achieving academic success.

What is weekly?


The minimum length for jumpers, skirts, and skorts.

What is the top of the knee?


The HCS Discipline Policy is based on this verse from Scripture.

What is Romans 12:2? (“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will.")


Planned at the teacher’s discretion, they are educational in nature, and many are a part of the school’s scope and sequence.

What are field trips?


According to HCS Philosophy, knowledge of this person and of the Bible is essential to the proper growth and development of each individual student.

Who is Jesus Christ?


This penalty is in place to help secondary students with a “D” or “F” in any course be successful academically.

What is mandatory study hall?


Elementary students must wear these with all footwear.

What are socks?


The goal of this practice at HCS is to help students succeed in developing a disciplined life.

What is discipline?


Videos which have been produced for entertainment purposes, and have this rating, may be used by teachers if they address a teaching objective. (Other ratings may only be used with parent notification and permission.)

What is a "G" rating?


Students at HCS will acquire wisdom, knowledge, and a Biblical worldview as evidenced by a lifestyle of character, leadership, service, stewardship and worship.

What is the HCS Vision?


1st day late = 20% reduction; 2nd day late = another 20% reduction; 3 or more days late = assignment will receive 0% unless superseded by the make-up policy for excused absences.

What is the penalty for late homework assignments?


Flip-flops, slides, beach/pool style shoes, crocs, slippers, and shoes without back straps are all included in this category.

What is not allowed?


They protect us from temptation, expose God’s greatest enemy – strong will: "I", and develop a servant spirit. They also reveal our loyalty.

What are rules?


The themes of these events must be focused on Christ and approved by the teacher. It is our privilege and responsibility to glorify God, therefore controversial themes are to be avoided.

What are classroom/holiday parties?


The philosophy through which education at HCS is implemented.

What is a Biblical philosophy?


Academic inability, academic apathy, and failure of the parents to get the recommended professional help for the academically disadvantaged student are reasons a student may be placed on this.

What is academic probation?


The ultimate responsibility for enforcing the dress code lies with these people.

Who are the parents?


Respectful of God, authority, others, and yourself; Responsible for our actions and academics; Resourceful to accomplish academic goals.

What are the Foundations for Character Training?


A student currently has a fever of 100 degrees or above, has had a fever of 100 degrees or above during the past 24 hours, is currently experiencing nausea or vomiting, has experienced nausea or vomiting in the past 12 hours, has or is suspected of having head lice, or has or is suspected of having pink eye.

What are reasons to send a student home from school?


To provide a Christ-centered, quality education in order to prepare our children to serve Christ.

What is the mission of Heritage Christian School?


Students earning this distinction are separated into three groups: those with a 4.0 GPA, those with a 3.5-3.9 GPA, and those with a 3.0-3.49 GPA.

What is the Honor Roll?


Conservative make-up is only allowed for girls, and only once they reach this grade.

What is 7th grade?


Issued only by the Administrator, five of these during the course of one semester results in a one hour detention and a $10.00 fee.

What are demerits?


Occurring three times during the school year (September, February, and May), all staff and parents are strongly encouraged to attend these events.

What are Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) meetings?