Contracts and Placements
Absences and leaves
Benefits, PD Holidays and Vacations
Lieu time, OHS, time off
Random Things

What are the three types of contracts classified staff can have?





If you want to terminate your employment what do you need to do?

Provide written notice:

1. of one week for more than 90 days but less than 2 years of employment

2. of two weeks for employment of two years or more


What is the process if you'd like to attend PD?

Contact Sue and Amanda with the request-funds are available for you! There is also an educational subsidy you can apply for to cover up to 75% of tuition for a course. Forms are online.


What training are you required to take and why?

Hour Zero-health and safety


Mobile phone use...what does that look like at school?

During class time only to check or respond to messages


True or false: Once your work assignment is given it must stay that way all year

False. School Admin can change your assignment if the needs of the school change


If the board wants to terminate you what is the process

What is the Welfare Plan?


What is the Extended Disabilty Benefit? When does it kick in?

Available for employess who work 20 hours or more per week

Kick in if you need to be off longer than 90 days if you have a specialist provide medical evidence that you cannot return

If approved ASEBP will pay a % of your monthly salary 


If you get injured at work what do you need to do?

Report it immediately to Amanda or Sue


If you have a concern about something what should you do?

Small concern-chat with the person

Big concern- share with Sue or Amanda


If you want to transfer to a different school what is the process?

Submit a request to People Services by May 1


What should you do if you're going to be absent?

1. Message teacher, Bonnie, Amanda and Sue

2. Report it on your time sheet


What are you allowed for Leave?

Compassionate-Up to 5 working days (or 6 if you need to travel more than 400 km)

Up to 3 days for critical illness

1 day for the funeral of a close friend, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, or a relative who may have been a household member

1 day for grad for self, spouse or child


When can you take time in lieu?

When students are NOT in the building


How much supervision will you have?

Every day 12-12:30 

recess is your coffee break


What 2 checks do you need to submit to RDPSD when you become employed?

1. A criminal record check

2. A vulnerable sector check


What if you're ill for longer than three days?

Medical certificate to Amanda


Personal leave with pay can be used for what? And who do you ask for the leave?

Ask Corrine

A maximum of two days for:

medical appointments, family illness, adoption, appointments for dependents, flood or fire at your home, acting in an official capacity at a funeral, paternity leave


How can you earn in lieu time?

book fair, field trips, Winter Carnival Night, Grade 8 farewell MUST be used within 6 months of earning it


What staff members are the heart and soul of the school?

Educational Assistants xx


What is the Confidentiality Protocol?

Part of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

Personal information about a student (address/phone number/academic outcomes/learning needs/behaviour/home circumstances) MUST NOT be shared with unauthorized individuals


How much sick leave do you get?

2 days per completed month of work

Unused sick leave can be banked for up to 90 days


What about unpaid leave without pay or maternity leave?

unpaid-submit a written request to Amanda 31 days in advance

maternity-16 weeks

paternity-62 weeks

email Corrine for this leave 6 weeks in advance


What are your paid hours a day and what does it look like here at Normandeau?

6 hours a day = 360 minutes a day 

8:05 - 12 = 235 minutes 

12:30- 2:50 = 140 minutes 

=375 minus 15 minute unpaid coffee = 360 minutes


Where do EAs park?

EAs will share a few spots in the parking lot. There are no assigned spots for EAs and they will need to park on the street sometimes. Bonnie has a list of available spots