Legally Required Things (Harassment, Discrimination, Complaints, etc)
Company Systems , Data and Equipment
Surprise (all other random policies you may find in the handbook)

 Posting abusive or harassing language on your own personal social media,  could be a violation of this policy.

What is Policy Against Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation?


After their initial New Hire enrollment period, employees cannot make changes to their health care benefits outside of Open Enrollment unless there is this circumstance?

What is a Qualifying Life Event?


This type of leave can be taken in separate blocks of time or on a reduced schedule.

What is intermittent FMLA?


This policy states that employees should never access sensitive information, or secrets from a personal, non-company issued device.

What is the Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD)?

The 30 day away policy states that employees may stack up to how much PTO to their 30 days away.

What is 2 weeks?


This term refers to a formal written statement filed by an international employee to report issues such as workplace harassment, discrimination or violations of company policy.

What is a grievance?


The Company provides full-time regular employees eligibility for employer matching charitable donations. The Company will match eligible donations for a maximum amount of this amount per employee per calendar year. 

What is 1000  USD(or local equivalent)?


This US benefit provides income replacement for employees own serious health conditions that require them to take extended time off.

What is Short Term Disability (STD?)

This policy requires employees to get approval before being a speaker, interviewee or panelist on behalf of the company.

What is the External Communications Policy?


An employee who is absent for this many consecutive business days without notifying the Company may be considered to have voluntarily resigned.

What is 3 days?

In Ireland, you can usually expect to do at least how many PIPs when managing performance
What is two?

Employees in Mexico are eligible for a monthly benefit of 2,000 pesos for this use?

What is Mexico's Meal Voucher Allowance?


Admin in the US are eligible for this many weeks of parental leave on day 1 of employment

What is 12 Weeks?


All of our communications and documents are subject to this policy.

What is our Records and Retention Policy? 


Employees who work from home are expected to have these arrangements in place to minimize distractions during typical working hours.

What are dependent care arrangements? (Childcare and eldercare, pet care if the dog is really disruptive jk)


In Ireland we use this procedure in instances of conduct or attendance issues

What is the Disciplinary Procedure?


Employees who need to request time off to observe religious holidays or participate in religious events may be eligible for this benefit?

What is A religious accommodation?


Admin are eligible for the FULL 26 weeks of parental leave after  being employed for how long

What is 6 months (26 weeks)?


This policy prohibits the acceptance, offer or payment directly or by a third party in order to obtain an improper advantage.

What is the Anti-Corruption and Any-Bribery Policy?


Requesting support for a political candidate and selling services are examples of this activity, which is not allowed during working time.

What is solicitation?


Interfering with an employees right to discuss terms and conditions of their employment (for complaining over slack) may violate this in the US?

What is the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)?


Employees who do not have access to Vivvi provided backup care providers where they live can also be reimbursed up to this amount to find their own care provider. 

What is $125 per day?


Employees may trade in their parental leave for a new parents support credit for a max of how many weeks?

What is 14 weeks?


Employees who improperly access and distribute Internal people data for their own gain or research could be in violation of this policy.

What is Etsy Internal People Data Access Policy?


An employee can receive pay for Jury Duty for how long under Etsy Jury Duty leave policy?

What is 2 weeks?