Your Rights
Grievance Procedures
Fun Facts

What is an excused vs unexcused absence?

Excused, meaning approved in advance by your supervisor.

Unexcused, meaning your absence was not approved in advance. 


What are the 3 types of bullying we (MYEEP) do not tolerate?

Physical, Verbal and Social


Who should you contact first if you want to file a grievance form?

Your coordinator, Thao or Yuxi. 


How should you represent MYEEP?

You should represent the MYEEP program in a professional manner inside and outside of workshops.

Be mature and be respectful to your peers as well as agency staff at all times.


Which university did Yuxi attend? +100 if you guess her major right.

SF State
(+100 Broadcasting & Electronics Communication)


What happens when you falsify information on sign in sheets?

You will be terminated if you for example sign in for a friend or write down a false time on sign in sheets.


If other interns have been picking on you by saying racist comments or derogatory language to you, who do you go to, to report the problem?

Your coordinator or your Worksite staff/Supervisors 


List at least three problems that could lead you onto filling out a grievance form.

Conflict with peers

Conflict with your coordinator

Feeling like your work placement is not safe


Sexual harassment 


Brain teaser!

What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?



What track & field event(s) does Brandon participate in?

400M & 800M


What is used to determine whether or not you receive a stipend for that day?

Your workshop attendance, so make sure you sign in/sign out for workshop days!


True or false,
Any reports should be always reported to the CITs first.

False, You can choose to report it to the CITs, but it is not required to.


Where do you drop off your grievance form?

Either at the JCYC building located at 2012 Pine Street or by emailing a file to  Associate Director of MYEEP Ayako.


If you are running late to a workshop, what should you do?

You must contact your Coordinator/AMP to inform them of your tardiness. Please note if you are 30 mins late to a workshop, you will not receive a stipend for that workshop.


How many times has Rebecca dyed her hair?

(100+ points if you can name the colors)

5 (bleached twice, dyed three times)

(+100 Blonde, brown and black)


What is the difference between physical and emotional violence?

Physical violence tends to be visible (hitting, slapping, pinching,etc.)

Emotional violence is not visible but it hurts the victim just as much. (discrimination, rude comments,etc.)


Brain teaser!

Your parents have six sons including you and each son has one sister. How many people are in the family?

Nine - two parents, six sons, and one daughter.


Who is another person that can be contacted other than Yuxi or Thao for filing a Grievance form?

Ayako Sawanobori
(Associate Director)

Alvin Woo
(Director of YouthWork programs)


Even if you had a tough day at school, you should…

You should still try your best to participate! If you have any physical or emotional reason on why you might not be able to participate, let your Coordinator (Thao or Yuxi) know.


What sports did Roger join and his positions?

(+200 points more if they can guess all the roles, will give +100 points if guess at least one) 

+100: (Opposite Hitter, Setter)

+100: (100M runner/ 4 x 100 relay runner)


True or False:

You should speak with your coordinator if you have a problem or question regarding your stipend payment.

True, your coordinator will help you. 


After filing a grievance form. What might the outcomes be after you file the form?

Based on our findings we will provide resolution on a case by case basis. Intern may either be moved to another site or permanently removed from the MYEEP program.


Brain teaser!

A man is looking at a photograph. His friend asks who it is. The man replies, “Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who was in the photograph?

His son.


How many minutes is considered being late to a workshop? What will happen if you are late? 

15 minutes, and you will have half of your stipend reduced for that day.


The Willie Woo Woo Wong park was named after a person, what did that person do for his career?

He was a basketball player.