Arrival / Dismissal

Phones should be kept here and in this state if brought to school. 

What is off and in my locker or in my backpack? (This includes study tours, athletic events, and after school care.  In other words, when on campus or engaged in a school activity, no phones are permitted.)


This is where I should go if I arrive to school between 7:45 and 8:10. 

What is the gym for all middle school students?


Name three foods and/or drinks that should not be brought to school. 

What are any caffeinated beverages, any beverages in glass bottles, any carbonated beverages, candy, and/or gum?


These are the only type of shoes that I can wear to school. 

What are athletic shoes that can be comfortably worn?  Crocs, flip-flops, sandals, and Uggs are not permitted. 


This is what you should do if you are absent. 

If you are feeling well enough, check Veracross for any assignments and/or email your advisor to find out if there are any assignments you can complete.

If you are not feeling well, take care of yourself and rest.  We will get you caught up when you return. 

These are the watches that I am allowed to wear while on the school campus. 

Any watch that is not a Smart watch.  If a smart watch is needed for after you leave campus, it should be kept powered off and in your locker/backpack. 


This is where I should go if I arrive to school late but before 1st period is over. 

What is 1st period?

This grade level is the only one who has access to a microwave at school.  

What is Grade 8?  They cannot heat up food for other grade levels. 


This is when I should change for an athletic event. 

What is during lunch?  You should not be late to class after lunch because you are changing. 


This is what happens if you have three tardies that are not because you are late to school. 

What is lunch with a Dean?

This is where I should check every night to ensure that I know what assignments are due or coming up. 

What is Veracross? 


This is where I should go if I arrive to school after 9:30 am. 

What is Ms. Tillman's office?


I should talk to this person if I thought I had hot lunch but I can't find it. 

Who is a teacher on lunch duty?  You should not take someone else's lunch even if they are absent without permission from a teacher. 


This is when I should use a personal device or a phone in a classroom without a teacher in it to call home. 

What is never?  You must ask for permission to call home.  You should never text your parents during the school day. 


This is what you should do if a ball is kicked over the wall during recess. 

What is tell a teacher on duty so that they safely retrieve the ball?

The only place my chromebook should be when I am not using it in a classroom when instructed by a teacher. 

What is the COW cart?


This is where I go if I have an early dismissal.

What is the front office NOT the grassy area?

These are three categories of waste and where I should put my waste at school. 

Compost - any food waste, fresh lunch cardboard containers, paper product

Recycling - clean plastic containers, cans

Trash - chips bags, gogurt, thin film plastic, wrappers

Uneaten food should go on the table by the trash containers. 


This is what I should do if I need to take any type of medication during the school day. 

What is speak to your advisor, a dean, or Ms. Akana?  If you regularly take medication during the school day, your advisor will communicate the plan with you. 


This is what you should do if you need help with a homework assignment or want/need to meet with a teacher. 

What is see the teacher before school starts between 8:00 - 8:45, let your advisor know that you would like to meet with that teacher during X-period?  Remember we are all here to help you. 


Times in which I can use another student's chromebook. 

What is never?


This is where my parents should tell the school if I will be absent, late, or leaving early. 

What is School Pass?


I must do this before I begin to play at snack or lunch.

What is clean-up my space and help to remind my peers who I am sitting with to do the same?  It is all of our responsibility to keep our campus clean and minimize the work that our incredible facilities team does. 


This is what I should do if I am not feeling well during school. 

What is let a teacher know?  You should not call home without a teacher's permission. 


This is the school's mission statement. 

 What is ... we open our doors every day to create a dynamic learning community in which each child grows into their best self?