Type of Strategies
Situations 1
True or False
Situations 2

This strategy involves each party giving up something to reach a middle ground.



During a free choice activity time, 2 groups of people want to play different games. They come together to create a new game that combines elements of both, so everyone gets to play and have fun.

What conflict strategy is used? 



True or False: Compromising means one person wins and the other loses.


Do you remember what it is?


What can be a problem with always avoiding conflicts?

The problem might never get solved, and people could still be upset.


This strategy involves working together to find a solution that satisfies everyone’s needs.



What might happen if two friends always try to win every argument?

They might hurt each other's feelings and damage their friendship. This is an example of using the competing strategy too often.


True or False: Compromising always results in a perfect solution.


Compromising means each person giving up something to solve the conflict. It won't always be your perfect solution but it allows for a mutual solution between all parties to ensure everyone feels heard.


Two friends want to watch two different movies. One wants to watch an action movie, and the other wants to watch a comedy movie. They agree to watch 2 tv shows instead. One episode of an action tv show first. Then one episode of a comedy tv show second.



Can you think of a time when it’s better to walk away from a conflict rather than argue?

When the argument is about something small or not important, or when people are too upset to talk calmly.


This conflict strategy involves not addressing the conflict at all.



True or False: Collaborating can help find a solution that makes everyone happy.



If one student always lets their friends decide what to play, how might that affect them over time? What strategy is this?

Accommodating - This could lead to them feeling like their opinions don’t matter or feeling frustrated.


What might happen if someone only uses the competing strategy in friendships?

They might lose friends or create tension because they always want to win.


This conflict strategy involves prioritizing one’s own needs over others.



Two friends have a small disagreement over which book is better. Instead of arguing, they decide to drop the conversation and talk about something they both enjoy.

Which strategy was used here? Was it used in a healthy way or an unhealthy way?

This situation is an example of a healthy way to use the strategy "Avoidant" 

Both friends agree that the disagreement is not a big deal and to decide to talk about something else to avoid any further conflict.


True or False: When someone uses the competing strategy, it can feel like the other person cares more about winning than making everyone happy.



A friend keeps talking over you every time you're trying to talk to someone, you feel annoyed because it continues to happen, but don't want to cause a scene. What could you do?

Collaborating - You and this friend could talk about the situation and your feelings. You can collaborate together to come up with a solution going forward. 


Why is it not good to always be accommodating when it comes to resolving conflict? 

It can build resentment because you are always sacrificing your needs and wants. 


This strategy involves putting the other person’s needs above one’s own.



an individual is upset at their friend because they have been ignoring their text messages. What is a way you can solve this conflict using collaboration. 

there are many scenarios to this. 


True or False: Avoiding is always a poor strategy


Although it is not the best choice, depending on the nature of the conflict, sometimes it is benefits those involved because it gives everyone a cool down period. You can take some time to yourself and come back to the conflict when you are in a better mindset and can use one of the other strategies to work through the conflict.


two individuals are doing an art project and both want to have the sample art project in front of them. What is one way that they can handle the situation using the compromising technique. 

example answer: one friend gets it for a few minutes then it goes to the other friend for a few minutes. 

Which Strategies are the healthiest to use? 

Collaboration and Compromising. 

Both collaboration and compromise include everyones opinions and ensures that the conflict is resolved with everyone feeling happy. This avoids future tension.