What are the 3 C's of CPR?
Check, call, care (compressions)
After a check for safety, what are the ABC's of checking a victim?
airways, breathing, check pulse.
How should you layer your hands for adult/large child CPR?
Heel of 1 hand, other hand on top, fingers intertwined
What is part of traditional CPR is not included in hands-only CPR?
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (giving breaths)
What is the first step when getting ready to to do CPR?
Check the area for safety
What is the best way to check for breathing?
Look, Listen, and Feel
Look: Chest to see if it rises
Listen and Feel: Air coming from the victim's nose or mouth.
When an AED become available, how should you go about doing CPR?
Continue hands only CPR protocol as if there were no AED until machine prompts to 'clear' for a shock to be administered.
Early CPR is important because...
It keeps blood and oxygen flowing to important internal organs while the heart is stopped
What is the best position for the victim to be in when you are doing CPR?
Laying down flat on the floor, belly up
Where should you place your hands for an adult/large child for CPR?
The center of the breast bone, in line with the chest
How deep should your compressions go?
Approximately 2 - 2.5 inches
CPR tries to re-initiate functioning and interconnection of which 2 body systems?
Cardiovascular and Respiratory
Tap them and loudly ask "Are you okay?" 2-3 times
After someone has gone to get an AED, and has returned with it - what should you do?
Open the AED up and turn it on.
How many compressions per minute?
Approximately 100-120 compressions per minute
When and AED arrives and after it is powered on, where will it prompt the pad to be placed?
One on the right side of the chest, below the collarbone, and the other on the left side of the chest, just below the armpit
If the victim is not responsive, what do you do if you are alone?
Call 911 and put them on speaker
Where should you place your hands for infant CPR?
Center of the breast bone, just below the line of the nipples.
You should continue CPR until... (give 3 responses)
Help/EMS/911 arrives, you see signs of life, and/or you are too exhausted to continue.
What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation