What is my mom's name?
What is my favorite video game?
What is my favorite food?
What sport have I done for the longest?
What is my favorite movie?
Forrest Gump
when is my birthday? (month day and year)
July 28th 2006
Who do I main in siege Attack or defence?
Ace, buck, Deimos or Tubaro, echo
Whats my least favorite food
Whats wrong with my shoulder
Torn Labrum
what is my favorite horror movie franchise
Friday the 13th
What was one of the original names I was going to be called?
Clem, Jebodiagh
what was my first console I owned
what is my favorite Fast food place
Chick - Fil - A
Besides the steelers who is my favorite NFL team?
what is my favorite sitcom show
Brooklyn 99
What car do I have specifically and what year ?
2013 Subaru Legacy.
What was the first game I ever got.
What restraunt did I go to on my first date?
I went to a sport camp when I was little, what sport was this for
What show did I watch to impress a girl ( Bonus if you know the girl )
Stranger Things for Kara
What state was I born in
what is my least favorite mob in minecraft besides phantoms?
winter skelleton.
what food gave the worst food poisioning
taco and burriots
How many wins do I have in wrestling Within 1 win
besides Tom Hanks who is my favorite actor?
Jim Carey