Hanna's full birth name
What is Hanna Catherine Baron?
Jordan's full birth name?
What is Jordan Alexander Nickerson?
The number of years Hanna and Jordan have been together
What is 10 years? (!!)
This Jonas brother is married to a Bollywood actress 10 years his senior
Who is Nick Jonas? (Priyanka Chopra)
This is the year cannabis was legalized in Oregon
What is 2015? (voted in 2014, started in 2015)
Hanna's first job
What is a life guard at Gaither pool?
The number of siblings Jordan has
What is 4? (2 brothers, 2 sisters)
The number of pets Hanna and Jordan have and their names
What is 3 pets? (Dewey, Francis, and Vernon)
This famous couple hasn't walked down the aisle, but have been together for 30 years
Who is Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn?
These 2 states are the only in the US to produce their own coffee beans
What are California and Hawaii?
This is the university Hanna attended
What is Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA?
Jordan's zodiac sign
What is a Leo?
The location of the proposal
What is Beacon Rock?
Despite this "plastic world", this couple is probably the most famous even though they don't exist. They are not a cartoon, but a toy.
Who is Barbie and Ken?
Traditionally, bridesmaids dressed in white along with the bride for this reason
What is to confuse any evil spirits, and protect the bride at the ceremony?
This is how many sports Hanna competed in throughout high school
What is 5? (softball, volleyball, swimming, wrestling, and gymnastics)
The Baron family's nickname for Jordan
What is Hellen?
The person is marrying the couple
Who is Jesse Marvin?
This couple parted ways due to her husbands accidentally tragic death in 1994. She will forever be in "love"
Who is Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love?
These names are spray painted in John Deere green on the water tower in the Joe Diffie song
What are Billy Bob and Charlene?
The number of dresses Hanna tried on before ~the one~
What is 5 dresses?
This is the job Jordan quit so he could attend Hanna's high school graduation ceremony
What is Dairy Queen?
The maiden names of both Mother in Laws
What is Kenneway (Christi) and Rheaume (Trisha)?
This is the dramatic age difference between Twilight's Edward and Bella
What is 87 years? (Edward is 104 and Bella is 17 in the first book)
This country singer tragically lost his voice due to a stroke
Who is Randy Travis?