How many months have 28 days?
What country is Philippe from?
How many nights does Hanukkah last?
What is Frosty the Snowman's nose made out of?
What is my middle name?
Finish the Slogan
"Have a break, _____"
Have a Kit-Kat
Who is Grandpop's favorite fictional character?
What are the four letters on the dreidel?
Nun, Gimmel, Hey, and Shin
What do you get if you are on the naughty list?
What year did I graduate high school?
What is the hottest pepper in the world?
Carolina Reaper
Where did Uncle Steve go to college?
Virginia Tech
What is the name of the candle used to light other candles?
What is the name of the famous Christmas ballet?
The Nutcracker
What was my first concert?
The Wiggles
Who was the first woman to win a Nobel prize?
Marie Curie
What did Rebecca get in trouble for at Hershey Park?
Her t-shirt
What is the name of the jelly donuts eaten during Hanukkah
What were the three gifts of the Magi?
Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold
What is my favorite Harry Potter movie?
The Goblet of Fire
What was the "snow" made of in the Wizard of Oz?
What is Aunt Tammy's maiden name?
Who sang the Hanukkah Song on Saturday Night Live in 1994?
Adam Sandler
What kind of ornament is typically hidden on a Christmas tree?
The Christmas Pickle
What is the name of the company I work for?
ACT Solutions