What is the Hebrew name for Israel's most popular Hanukkah food? (a jelly-filled donut)
The name of young man who led the small Jewish army in a fight against the Greeks
How many candles are on the Hanukiyah?
9 (one for each day plus the shamash)
How many blessings are there on the first night of Hanukkah?
Why do we fry foods in oil on Hanukkah?
To remember the miracle of the oil lasting for 8 nights
In Colombia, what is often eaten instead of latkes?
A) fried plantains
B) rice and beans
C) fried flat bread
D) fried zucchini
A) fried plantains
What is the name of the Greek-Syrian King who forbade the Jewish people from practicing their religion?
King Antiochus IV
What is the name for the helper candle that lights all the others
The shamash
How many blessings are there on every night besides the first night of Hanukkah?
What Hebrew letters are on the dreidels we play with in America?
Nun, Gimel, Hay, Shin
In Morocco, Algeria and other North African communities, where is the Chanukiyah usually kept?
Hint: It is kept here because it is thought to give the house extra protection
A) On the kitchen table
B) In the doorway, next to the mezuzah
C) On the windowsill
D) On a night table in the bedroom
B) In the doorway, next to the mezuzah
- If you look at menorahs made in North Africa, you will notice that many have a ring at the top, as well as a flat metal backing, so that the menorah could be safely hung next to the mezuzah
Why did Jews in the time of the story of Hanukkah use dreidels?
To hide when they were secretly studying Torah- to make it look like they were playing a game to gamble instead
In which order are the candles placed in the Hanukiyah every night
From right to left
What does "Hanukkah Sameach" mean in Hebrew?
Happy Hanukkah!
What Hebrew letters are on the dreidel in Israel?
Nun, Gimel, Hay, Pay
How tall is the Chanukiyah lit every year in Piazza Barberini in Rome, Italy?
A) 7 feet tall
B) 45 feet tall
C) 15 feet tall
D) 20 feet tall
D) 20 feet tall
According to the Hanukkah legend, while the Hanukiayah burned for 8 days, what were the Jewish people doing in the Holy Temple?
Cleaning and purifying (rededicating) the Holy Temple
Which way are the candles lit every night?
From left to right
Why is there an extra blessing on the first night of Hanukkah?
Because we say the "Shehechiyanu" blessing which we say whenever we do something for the first time
What do the letters on the dreidel outside of Israel and in Israel stand for?
Nes Gadol Haya Sham: A Great Miracle Happened There
or, in Israel
Nes Gadol Haya Po: A Great Miracle Happened Here
In some parts of Morocco, Jews celebrate Hanukkah for 9 days. On the 9th day, which is known as "the day of the shamash", children go from house to house to collect all the leftover candles. What do they then do with all of these leftover candles?
A) form them into one giant Hanukkah candle
B) light as many Chanukiyot as possible with them
C) throw them into a giant bonfire
D) melt them on paper to make art
C) throw them into a giant bonfire
People dance and sing around the bonfire, jumping and leaping over it. It is believed in these communities that jumping over the fire could bring good luck.
What was the name of Judah's father (a Jewish priest who also fought against the Greeks and refused to follow their rules)?
A) Eliezer
B) David
C) Mattathias
D) Solomon
C) Mattathias
On Friday night, are Hanukkah candles lit before or after the Shabbat candles?
Before - because lighting a fire isn't allowed after Shabbat begins
How do you say "light" in Hebrew?
What does "Hanukkah" mean?
Dedication (the Holy Temple was "rededicated" after the Greek-Syrians had made the temple impure and unclean)