There's always room on a full ______
Did this when Elise was 3 weeks old (or something like that...)
Daddy attended a retreat featuring this religion
...Properly cut this green vegetable
These need to be removed from Daddy's trunk/backseat always if you want to sit or store anything there
Hunter Douglass binders
Don't be a ________ (hint: math related term)
Takes awhile to do and all those involved must be very patient but it's all worth it in the end
This once happened when Daddy when to shower
Hall mates took his clothes away
..Do this properly before leaving for a road trip
Pack the trunk
This item should NEVER be packed in your toiletry bag when going on a trip
Full-size toothpaste
Parents are your _______ ________. They have to come off sometime.
training wheels
Dead sea ...
Scuba Diving
The place where mommy and daddy met
Hillel -- only 100 Jews!
...Do this when entering a highway
Gun it or Hit it!
Failing this test, but managing to still use this item
It's hard to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by a bunch of ________
No measuring cup needed
This happened the first time Daddy went to visit Grandma and Grandpa at Rouge Way
Drove into/moved the carport
Bangs this item on the side when spazzing out (and might or might not be held together with duct tape)
One word explanation for how everything works.
Shabbat afternoon activity
Rearranging furniture
Had a black roommate who hated _________ (but they still managed to get along beautifully
Exit a driveway when you have cars blocking you
Drive over the grass/curb/sidewalk
Always takes this item from Mommy, especially at Friday night dinner table