It is the supreme law of the land
The Constitution
San Beda has an ongoing "beef" or rivalry with this school, which started in 1950.
What is Atty. Gallant's choice of poison?
When is the last day for voter's registration for the upcoming 2022 elections?
September 30
When Rex Book Store is inaccessible, she makes sure she has it all.
Ate Jackie
What are the three branches of the government, and their respective functions?
Legislative branch (the law-making body), Executive branch (the law-enforcing body), Judicial branch (the law-interpreting body)
When was San Beda granted a University status?
Where does Atty. Gallant live?
San Carlos City
Apple announced a new product launch this week. What was the product?
iPad mini 6
The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, The Revised Penal Code, The Civil Code of the Philippines
Enumerate the 6 Philippine Constitutions since the Proclamation of Independence on June 12, 1898.
The 1899 Malolos Constitution
The Philippine Organic Act of 1902
The 1935 Constitution
The 1943 Constitution
The 1973 Constitution
The 1987 Constitution
State the QPI requirement for each year level
78 for incoming 2nd years, 79 for incoming third years, 80 for incoming fourth years
What is the name of Atty. Gallant's wife?
Nenette Soriano
Name the Top 3 most watched series about lawyers on Netflix.
What is the name of the Facebook Page that publishes memes that are relatable to Filipino law students?
A e s t h e t i c a l l y D e p p r e s s e d L a w S t u d e n t
How does a bill become a law?
STEP 1: The Creation of a Bill
STEP 2: Committee Action
STEP 3: Floor Action
STEP 4: Vote
STEP 5: Conference Committees
STEP 6: Presidential Action
STEP 7: The Creation of a Law
What does ora et labora mean?
"Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you."
Atty. Gallant is what type of lawyer?
Corporate lawyer
Jollibee's newest product
Honey Beef Rice
Who are the four main characters in the movie, Bar Boys?
Christian, Toran, Erik, Joshua
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
When was the last time that a Bedan topped the bar exam?
What is the name of Atty. Gallant's Nonprofit Organization with his wife?
GALila Serbisyo Publiko
What was the theme of the 2021 Met Gala?
In America: A Lexicon of Fashion
A group of law students active on social media, sharing their experiences about love, frienships, and most of all, law school.
Law School Buddy