Pickle or Ball
Famous Aussies
Back 2 School
French Around the Globe
Age Ain't Nothing But a Number

When Columbus set sail for America, he brought pickles along with him to help his crew avoid which disease?

What is scurvy?


This character's actor is dug up by Ryan Reynolds at the beginning of their new 2024 summer blockbuster

Who is Hugh Jackman?


In the USA, letter grades are replaced by a numerical GPA.  What is the numerical equivalent to an "A"?

What is 4?


The southern part of this European country and soccer powerhouse primarily speaks French, while the north speaks Dutch and German (which makes sense, as the flag looks like a sideways German flag)

What is Belgium?


This world-famous actor has a famous reputation of "refusing" to date women over 25, despite now being 46 years old.

Who is Leo DiCaprio?


No longer just your host's favourite sport on ESPN 8 - "The Ocho", this sport can be played with between 3-5 cloth or foam balls to protect competitors

What is dodgeball?


He played what is largely considered to be the best Batman villain of the last 20 years, a far cry from his charming rom-com roles in movies such as "10 Things I Hate About You"

Who is Heath Ledger?


This character went back to school in a 1995 movie so he could inherit his father's hotel empire

Who is Billy Madison?


This continent has the most French-speaking countries, with 32

What is Africa?


This power couple in hip-hop have a daughter named Blue Ivy, as well as a combined 56 Grammys

Who are Jay-Z and Beyonce?


First referenced in "The Tempest" Shakespeare is credited with coining this term, which relates to being "stuck in a bad position"

What is "in a pickle"?


He is the founder of Wikileaks, recently freed from an English prison, and is finally free after a 14-year legal battle

Who is Julian Assange?


Crayola claims that this is the best selling (primary) colour of crayon

What is blue?


Quebec is by far the most "French Dominant" province, but what province is second, with 30% of their population able to speak the language?

What is New Brunswick?


A reversal in many common age gaps, this musical "brother" has claimed to love dating older women, including his now-wife, star of Citadel and Quantico (as well as Miss World 2000

Who is Nick Jonas?


While most of the tennis world made this change to the balls in 1972, Wimbledon went with tradition, not making the same change until 1986

What is changing the colour to yellow (from white)?


This singer "can't get you out of her head" , and is the best-selling Aussie of all time, with over 80M records sold

Who is Kylie Minogue?


Armenia includes this board game as part of their course curriculum for all students over the age of 6

What is chess?


The USA "purchased" this southern state from France in 1903, and is named after a famous French King

What is Louisiana?


This NHL superstar matched Wayne Gretzky, by becoming the youngest Hart Trophy winner at the age of 19, when he was just a "kid"

Who is Sidney Crosby?


It's the term for a shot of pickle brine, traditionally following a shot of whiskey

What is a pickleback?


They are Steve Irwin's now-famous children with their own TV shows

Who are Robert and Bindi?


Parents in Denmark and Sweden started this tradition in the 16th century as a form of compensation for poorly-paid teachers

What is bringing an apple to your teacher?


In "The Da Vinci Code", the Holy Grail was discovered to be hidden all along below this famous French location

What is the L'Ouvre?


At the age of 38, Calista Flockhart was the Emmy-winning star of Ally McBeal, and fell in love with this 60-year old.  Who could blame her, he was Han Solo AND Indiana Jones

Who is Harrison Ford?