What superheroine is Ms. O?
Who is Wonder Woman?
What was Ms. O's name when she was born?
What is Heather?
How long has Ms. O taught at Twality Middle School?
What is four years?
How many kids does Ms. O have?
What is one son?
Whose grandma is the same age as Ms. O?
Who is Kayleana?
What state was Ms. O born in ?
What is Kansas?
What class did Ms. O start at Twality Middle School?
What is KREW?
How many siblings does Ms. O have?
What is one sister?
Who was President of the US when Ms. O was born?
Who is Richard Nixon?
Ms. O's birtday is the same as this national math holiday...
What is Pi Day?
Ms. O was born with these things that most babies don't have and used them to bite the doctor.
What are teeth?
Which of Ms. O's parents is no longer living?
Who is her dad?
This major event happened in space in the same year Ms. O was born.
What is man walked on the moon?
What did Ms. O do before she worked at Twality?
What is She was a college professor teaching teachers.
Ms. O went to preschool and she so loved music time that one day she embarassed herself by doing this.
What is didn't go to the bathroom and peed her pants?
What state did Ms. O live after she was 2 years old?
What is Colorado?