Nani full name
what is Nazaline Samshad Khan?
Nani's age
what is 64?
year of birth
what is 1961?
Does Nani Gamble?
uhhh guys.... that's haram!
my hair style back in the day
what is an afro?
Nanis nickname nickname
what is Siri
Nani's hobby
what is cleaning?
Nani + Nana's year of marriage
what is 2010?
what day is my bday?
what is feb 26 1961?
do I like black liquorice?
Nanis address
what is 258-6875 121 St Surrey Bc
Nani's canadian college
what is VCC?
Amount of teeth nani has
what is not the normal amount?
my favourite store
what is Costco?
what art skill did I have
Amount of grandchildren she has and their names
nani's birthplace
what is suva Fiji
The object nani threw at my father
what is rocks?
The car that nani owns
what is a jeep Cherokee?
Amount of hours she spends on phone calls
what is 24 hrs?
nanis favourite grandchild
what is she doesn't have one (we all know its Inayah)?
amount of siblings
WHAT IS 3 brothers 4 sisters = 7
nani's past occupation
what is a nurse?
Do I gossip?
ummm.......ya I'm a big mouth
Time she takes her naps
What is between 2 and 4 pm?