May 6, 1980
What is Nikki's birthday?
Columbus High Magnet
What is the name of the high school Nikki attended?
University of Georgia
The college Nikki attended.
Harris County Carver Middle School
Where was Nikki's first school counselor job?
Paul Jones
Who is Nikki's husband?
Martin Army Hospital Fort Benning, GA
What is where was Nikki born?
What is the year Nikki graduated from high school.
Athens, Georgia
What is the city and state for UGA?
What is the grade level was she assigned to at HCCMS?
online dating site
What is where did Nikki and Paul met?
What is Nikki's middle name.
Uncle Kevin
What is Who drove Nikki to the senior prom?
What is the University of Georgia's Mascot?
Dimon Elementary
What is the elementary school Nikki worked in Muscogee County?
July 29, 2017
What is Nikki and Paul's wedding date?
John & Joseph
What is Nikki's brothers' names?
Men in Black
What is a movie that was released the year Nikki graduated?
Bachelors of Science in Psychology
What is Nikki degree?
Wagner High School in San Antonio, Texas
what is the high school and city/state Nikki worked in Texas?
Beaugard Jones
what is the name of Nikki's pup?
What is one of Nikki's favorite TV show when she was growing up?
Blue Devils
What is Columbus High school's mascot?
Frank Smith, Nellie Smith, Charles Earl, Audrey Smith Earl and Nikki Earl
What is the names of family members who all attended and graduated from Columbus State University in Columbus, GA?
What is what branch of the military is Nikki's current employer
Ms. Gail
What is Nikki's mother-in-law's name?