Baby's Day Out
Baby Numbers
Nine Months of Joy
Potent Potables (Not for those currently growing a baby)

This baby brand's symbol was rumored to be a drawing of a number of famous people ranging from Humphrey Bogart to Elizabeth Taylor.

A. What is Coppertone?

B. What is Graco?

C. What is Gerber?

D. What is Oshkosh?


Jareth, the Goblin King, kidnaps Sarah's baby brother in this 80's classic.

A. What is Labyrinth?

B. What is The Dark Crystal?

C. What is Warriors of Virtue?

D. What is Willow?


Newborns generally need to eat every ___ hours.

A. What is 1-2?

B. What is 2-3?

C. What is 3-4?

D. What is 4-5?


This marks a twelve week period during pregnancy.

A. What is a quarter?

B. What is a trimester?

C. What is a section?

D. What is a quatrain?


Whiskey fresh from the still is this color.

A. What is brown?

B. What is red?

C. What is clear?

D. What is purple?


Baby Boomers, the largest generation in recent history, were born during this period.

A. What is 1941 - 1959?

B. What is 1944 - 1962?

C. What is 1946 - 1964? 

D. What is 1948 - 1966?


This comedy about teen pregnancy featured Jennifer Garner as a woman looking to adopt.

A. What is Juno?

B. What is Peppermint?

C. What is Rose Hill?

D. What is Butter?


A pregnant woman's blood volume increases roughly this much during pregnancy.

A. What is 10-20%?

B. What is 20-30%?

C. What is 30-40%?

D. What is 40-50%?


This primary sense often gets stronger during pregnancy.

A. What is sight?

B. What is touch?

C. What is hearing?

D. What is smell?


Interestingly, the word alcohol stems from this language.

A. What is Chinese?

B. What is Egyptian?

C. What is Arabic?

D. What is Russian?


This baby, William Nilsson, hilariously laughed at his father making imitation microwave sounds on a classic viral YouTube video. Despite many wondering where he came from, he hails from this Scandinavian country.

A. What is Sweden?

B. What is Norway?

C. What is Iceland?

D. What is Finland?


This horror classic, directed by an honest-to-God monster, starred Mia Farrow as a nervous expectant mother.

A. What is Chinatown?

B. What is The Omen?

C. What is The Exorcist?

D. What is Rosemary's Baby?


The average size of the placenta when compared to a newborn.

A. What is 1/2?

B. What is 1/4?

C. What is 1/6?

D. What is 1/8?


The longest recorded pregnancy was this long.

A. What is 295 days?

B. What is 317 days?

C. What is 348 days?

D. What is 375 days?


The word cocktail has its origins in this language.

A. What is English?

B. What is Spanish?

C. What is French?

D. What is Italian?


Heracles demonstrated this impressive feat of strength when just a baby.

A. What is ripped the roof off of his "father's" house?

B. What is toppled a series of columns in a nearby town?

C. What is strangled a pair of vipers in his crib?

D. What is lifted a donkey?


This Keri Russell classic features a very talented baker who finds herself feeling trapped when she gets pregnant.

A. What is Babette's Feast?

B. What is Chocolat?

C. What is Leaves of Grass?

D. What is Waitress?


This percentage of babies are born on their actual due date.

A. What is 5%?

B. What is 10%?

C. What is 25%?

D. What is 35%?


This problem in pregnancy is characterized by high blood pressure and presence of protein in the mother's urine.

A. What is preeclampsia?

B. What is gestational diabetes?

C. What is anemia?

D. What is hyperemesis gravidarum?


The world's strongest beer has this intense ABV.

A. What is 22%?

B. What is 47.7%?

C. What is 53%?

D. What is 67.5%?


Henry VIII finally got a son with his third wife, a young man who was crowned as this in 1547.

A. Who is Henry IX?

B. Who is Louis XVI?

C. Who is Edward VI?

D. Who is William I?


This classic comedy starred Nicolas Cage as a man who kidnaps a baby to appease his wife.

A. What is Once Bitten?

B. What is Wild at Heart?

C. What is The Family Man?

D. What is Raising Arizona?


Even though adult humans have 206 bones, babies are born with around this many.

A. What is 150?

B. What is 200?

C. What is 250?

D. What is 300?


Also called false labor, these types of contractions can occur throughout pregnancy.

A. What are Braxton-Hicks contractions?

B. What are Welling-Rosenbaum contractions?

C. What are Reeves-Hackman contractions?

D. What are Cavill-Eisenberg contractions?


This is the average pressure in a champagne bottle.

A. What is 30 PSI?

B. What is 55 PSI?

C. What is 78 PSI?

D. What is 90 PSI?