Riddle me this Batman

What does ATRA stand for?

American Therapeutic Recreation Association 

Q: Why should we be aware of this organization? 


T/F: RT professionals should consider their own mental health? 


Q: ATRA mentioned that they are trying to “normalize” not being okay.  What does this mean to you and would you advise for or against it at the professional level? 


Where is the birthplace of ATRA?

Kansas City

Q: Who knew this before? 


What can go through glass without breaking it?

Light :) 


Per the article, what is ATRA’s mission?

To empower recreational therapist 

Q: What tools/resources would you like to see offered to boost the incentive to join this affiliation? 

ATRA works with which type of organizations/facilities to expand on the services rendered by TR and the opportunities presented by the CTRS? 

Schools, community centers, clinics, contractors, hospitals, outer space, etc. 

Q: How would you as an RT benefit from coordinating with the above facilities/organizations? Should it be considered a worthwhile venture to target obesity in youth outside of our profession? How about providing exercise for the elderly in community outreach programs? 


What was the purpose behind the free family wellness program?

Promoting healthy lifestyles in children and their families by offering leisure education in leisure attitudes, awareness, social skills, decision-making activity engagement, and resources. 

Q: How could we as RT’s create programs to benefit community?  What are some examples of a population targeted, issue or concern, desired program outcome? 


What gets bigger the more you take away from it?

A hole :/


How old will ATRA be in 2024?

40 years old 

Q: In celebration of this achievement what is ATRA planning to do throughout 2024? How many organizations do you know throw a year round ”40 is the new 20” party offering professional services and promoting their applications. 


What is “natures tranquilizer” according to the article? 

Physical activity 

Q: What are the different type of benefits for “moving meditation”? What are some examples that are important to you personally?  What are examples of some you may use in your future practice? 


Where was the Fall 2023 conference held? 

St. Louis, MO

Q: Where are some places you would like to see conferences and why? If money wasn’t an issue where would you like to participate in socializing with fellow RT’s? 


As we are, we two, we three

As I alone can never be

Family :l


Per the article, which two states mentioned have been successful in connecting with Medicaid waivers?

Texas & Indiana 


What are health risks that affect children today who suffer from obesity within the 85th percentile of BMI? 

hypertension, orthopedic complications, sleep apnea, increased risk of Type II diabetes, poor self- esteem, and depression (S


Who was the sponsor of the tote bags?

Rec Therapy Today

Q: How would we go about getting sponsors? Why would it be a good idea to show appreciation to all sponsors no matter the contribution? 


Death itself I swallow

To spring forth life tomorrow 

Earth :C


Why should RT’s not rely solely on facilitating techniques that produce a positive effect? 

EBP dictates that there are other techniques for facilitation to produce various outcomes (i.e. Stress reduction) 

Q: Why wouldn’t we want feeling positive to always be the end goal for each technique facilitated? 


The article talks about the (P) and (I) in APIED. What do those stand for?

Program planning & Intervention 

Q: Which part of the APIED do you think should be covered at conventions? 


This modality is the process through which individuals develop an understanding of self, leisure, and the relationship of leisure to their own lifestyle and fabric of society. 

Leisure education 

Q: How does leisure education improve skill development and QOL? 


It marks your downfall

It marks your success

The true god of war

The creator of mess

Power >:o