What side of the hallway should you walk on to avoid bumping into others?
What is the 'right side!'?
What should you do if you don't have a pencil to begin your work?
What is 'get a new one from the cart beside Ms. Chan's desk'?
Where is the best place to check what is due on Friday?
What is 'the Must Do' board beside the calendar?
hat should you say if you accidentally bump into someone?
What is 'I'm sorry, are you okay?'
What should you do when the morning bell rings?
What is 'put all your belongings away and begin mindfulness'?
What should you do if you need to leave the classroom during a lesson?
What is "wait until Ms. Chan isn't giving instructions and directions, then ask to leave the room before signing out"?
Where should you return scissors after you’ve finished using them?
What is 'back to Ms. Chan's desk'?
When are you allowed to work in the hallway?
How can you show kindness during group work?
Answers may vary.
ow can you prepare your desk area at the end of the day?
What is 'make sure nothing is on the floow under your desk and put your Mindfulness on your desk for tomorrow'?
Where is the proper spot to begin lining up to go to French, Art, or Phys. Ed?
What is 'at the counter'?
What is the proper way to borrow and return a classroom library book?
What is 'sign it out with the date and title and return it in the cupboards'?
What should you do if you begin to feel sick during class?
What is 'tell you teacher and phone home at the office'?
What is an example of respectful language to use with your peers and your teachers?
Answers may vary.
Use your manners and make eye contact.
What is the correct way to share an idea or ask a question?
f there’s a fire drill, where should you go after exiting the building?
What is 'line up in the field'?
What should you do if you notice something on the classroom floor?
What is 'pick it up and return it to its proper spot'?
What is the name of the area where students wait for buses at the end of the day?
What is 'the library'?
What is one action you can take if you see someone being excluded?
What is 'invite them to join your friends or call out the excluders'?
What is the reason you would you have homework to take home?
What is 'you were not using class time productively'?
When is it appropriate to run in the classroom or in the hallways?
What is 'never'?
Why is it important to make sure your Wipeboard has an eraser?
Where should you check in if you are late for class?
What is 'the office'?
Why is it important to use a calm tone when discussing a disagreement?
What is 'to stay regulated and have a productive conversation'?
What should you do when you are done with a laptop or see a laptop on someone else's desk?