Thanksgiving Foods
Thanksgiving Traditions
Thanksgiving Symbols
Thanksgiving History
Thanksgiving Surprise
Presidential Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Sports

The most popular main course on Thanksgiving.

What is turkey? 


True or False

The Pilgrims landed in New York.


The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts.


The orange vegetable commonly used as a symbol of Thanksgiving.

What is a pumpkin?


The name of the ship the Pilgrims boarded to start their journey to the New World.

What is the Mayflower?


This food was not served at the first Thanksgiving.

What are mashed potatoes?


This President first ordered a national day of Thanksgiving.  

Who is George Washington?

On September 28, 1789, just before leaving for recess, the first Federal Congress passed a resolution asking that the President of the United States recommend to the nation a day of thanksgiving. A few days later, President George Washington issued a proclamation naming Thursday, November 26, 1789 as a "Day of Publick Thanksgivin" - the first time Thanksgiving was celebrated under the new Constitution. 


These are the Thanksgiving colors. 

What are the Thanksgiving Colors: Orange is a pumpkin, Yellow is the corn, Brown is the turkey with stuffing to adorn and Red are the cranberries?


Green Bean casserole was invented by what "Soup" company.

What is Campbell Soup?


The day and month of the year on which we traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving

What is the fourth Thursday of November?


The indigenous people of North America who are a common symbol of Thanksgiving.

Who are Native Americans? 


Wampanoag tribe?


This Native tribe joined the Pilgrim in the first Thanksgiving. 

Who are the Wampanoag?

The specific village was the village of Patuxet. After careful observation, negotiations, and exchanges, the Wampanoag decided to assist the English settlers. However, their interactions had much more to do with political alliances and diplomacy than a budding friendship. 


This department store is known for their extravagant Thanksgiving parade.

What is Macys?


This President made turkey pardoning an annual event.

Who is George H.W. Bush?


This NFL football Franchise has the most Thanksgiving games played.

What are the Detroit Lions with 81?


The most popular Thanksgiving dessert.

What is Pumpkin Pie? 


A race many people run on Thanksgiving morning.

What is a turkey trot?


The English separatists who came to the United States in 1620.

Who were Pilgrims?


This is the reason the Pilgrims chose to leave England.

What is religious persecution?


The annual Thanksgiving Day Parade concludes with the arrival of this person.

Who is Santa Claus?


This president was the first to "pardon" a turkey.

Who is John F Kennedy?


During the 1997 Thanksgiving matchup between the Bears and Lions, Madden introduced the world to the turducken, explaining it on the broadcast as he and Pat Summerall stood in the booth in front of both that and the six-legged turkey. This is a Turducken.

A boneless chicken stuffed inside a boneless ducks stuffed inside a boneless turkey. 


The red fruit that is often served alongside the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.

What are cranberries?


This many turkeys are consumed every year at Thanksgiving.

What is 46 million?


The conical-shaped basket that is generally filled with fruits and vegetables.

What is a cornucopia?


This is the year of the first Thanksgiving.

What is 1621?


This native is known throughout history for his skill for speaking English, his political negations between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags, and his guidance to teach the Pilgrims how to teach them how to grow corn, and where and how to fish and hunt beaver. 

What is Squanto?

His actual name was Tisquantum. He and his Indigenous relatives would have been quite familiar with the tradition of “thanksgiving” because it was, and still is, an essential aspect of their regular spiritual practices, one that predates by many generations the American holiday of Thanksgiving.

 After Being Kidnapped to Europe, he lived five years in Europe, including time at the home of a London merchant. He later escaped to make his way back to his home. On his return, he learn that his people decimated by plague and was accepted into the Patuxet village. When he encountered the Mayflower's ragged survivors, he was an orphan himself. But he was uniquely poised to help them survive, and willing to help them form a vital alliance with his Wampanoag leader, named Ousamequin. 


This President declared two Thanksgivings in one year.

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Concerned that the shortened Christmas shopping season might dampen the economic recovery, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a Presidential Proclamation moving Thanksgiving to the second to last Thursday of November. As a result of the proclamation, 32 states issued similar proclamations while 16 states refused to accept the change and proclaimed Thanksgiving to be the last Thursday in November. For two years two days were celebrated as Thanksgiving - the President and part of the nation celebrated it on the second to last Thursday in November, while the rest of the country celebrated it the following week. 

To end the confusion, Congress decided to set a fixed-date for the holiday. On October 6, 1941, the House passed a joint resolution declaring the last Thursday in November to be the legal Thanksgiving Day. The Senate, however, amended the resolution establishing the holiday as the fourth Thursday, which would take into account those years when November has five Thursdays. The House agreed to the amendment, and President Roosevelt signed the resolution on December 26, 1941, thus establishing the fourth Thursday in November as the Federal Thanksgiving Day holiday.


This year was the first Thanksgiving NFL game of the Canton Bulldogs vs. the Akron Pros.

What is 1920?


This large root vegetable belongs to the morning glory family.  Don't let the name fool you, they are not in the nightshade family with the other potatoes. 

What are sweet potatoes?


This day follows Thanksgiving when there are big sales and many people go shopping.

What is Black Friday?


A large, native bird to North America that is large enough to feed a family.

What is a wild turkey?


This woman is credited for making Thanksgiving a national Holiday in the United States.

Who is Sarah Josepha Hale?


The Founding Father who wanted the wild turkey to be the symbol of the United States of America.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


Which President refused to celebrate Thanksgiving as a national holiday?

Who is Thomas Jefferson?

He declined to make a proclamation in 1801. For Jefferson, supporting the holiday meant supporting state-sponsored religion since Thanksgiving is rooted in Puritan religious traditions.


Name 1 of 3 active NFL teams that have played on Thanksgiving and never won.

What are the:

Tampa Bay Buccaneers (0-1)?

Cleveland Browns (0-3)?

Cincinnati Bengals (0-1)?


The average person consumes this many calories, on average, at Thanksgiving dinner.

What are 4,500?


This meat is the most popular alternative to turkey on Thanksgiving.

What is Ham?


The natives brought this meat to the first Thanksgiving.

What is Deer (Venison)?


The first Thanksgiving lasted this many days.

What is 3?


The loose red skin attached to the underside of a turkey’s beak

What is a Wattle?


This president proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


The only active NFL franchise to have never played on Thanksgiving.

What are the Jacksonville Jaguars?