What is the most popular dish at Thanksgiving dinner?
On what day of the year is Thanksgiving celebrated?
The fourth Thursday of November.
This orange vegetable is a very common symbol of Thanksgving.
True or False. Eating turkey makes you sleepy?
While it's true that the amino acid tryptophan causes drowsiness; turkey doesn't contain enough to make you sleepy. You can blame all those calories—and probably dessert.
Name 3 foods that people eat on Thanksgiving.
turkey, mashed potatos, sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn, cornbread, green beans, pumpkin or apple pie
What is the most popular dessert at Thanksgiving dinner?
Pumpkin, Apple or Pecan Pie
The day after Thanksgiving, there are big sales and many people go shopping. What is this day called?
Black Friday
What do we call the English people who came to the United States in 1620?
How did the Pilgrims travel to North America?
By boat (the Mayflower)
Riddle: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?
The outside :)
How do people typically prepare potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner?
Mashed potatoes
What sport do people usually watch on Thanksgiving day?
American football.
Which bird is the most common symbol of Thanksgiving?
What country did the Pilgrims come from?
What is another word for "grateful"?
What is the main ingredient in stuffing?
What do families usually talk about while having Thanksgiving dinner?
Things they are thankful for.
Why are pumpkins and other vegetables important symbols of Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving celebrates the HARVEST season. The harvest is at the end of autumn when farmers collect the vegetable they have grown.
In what year was the first Thanksgiving?
Riddle: What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving?
The letter G!
What is the name of the red fruit that is often served at Thanksgiving dinner?
What is the event in New York City on Thanksgiving Day where there is music, dancing and large balloons?
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
What or who is always on the last Macy's Thanksgiving Day Float?
How many days was the first Thanksgiving celebration?
3 days
What are 3 things you are thankful for
(responses will vary)