One Day at a Time
Live and Let Live
First Things First
Time Takes Time
Misery is Optional

 What is the white board and where is it located?

This is located on the first floor, near the elevator, beside the entrance to the small dining room. When your name is on the board proceed to the Front Desk to retrieve messages or mail. Erase your name from white board after you receive mail or message. Check the white board regularly for other notices that may affect program


What are the rules with the elevator?

Only three people at a time.

Clients are to walk down the stairs and only use the elevator if they are going up or down more than one level.  Unless you have mobility issues.


Can you wear flip flops in the house?

Yes, and must have socks and shoes on and are not to go barefoot. Footwear is to be worn at all times. No open footwear allowed when doing chores or at any time on the Foodline. Appropriate footwear must be worn in the dinning and kitchen areas for safety reasons.


Are tank tops and shorts allowed?

No!  Knee length shorts and short-sleeved shirts are minimum length permitted. 

Clothing depicting sexual activity, gang and/or drugs/alcohol are not permitted. You will be asked to change immediately. Pants/shorts are to be worn at waist level and not lower. 


Can you sleep in the basement lounge?

No!  Sleeping is not permitted in the client lounge. Please keep feet off furniture. 

The counter area must be kept clean at all times. 


If it is after hours and you need help, what should you do?

Go to the front desk.  Support Staff are available 24 hours in case of emergency.

Clients are not to gather in the front desk area or outside of Harbour Light, Chapel entrance or McCready Residence.

First floor is closed down after curfew.


How much does it cost to do laundry?

Laundry is free of cost and laundry soap is supplied by Salvation Army.  Clients need to stay with their laundry (30 minutes to wash and 45 minutes to dry approximately.) If washers are not available, clients will take their laundry back to their room. DO NOT LEAVE LAUNDRY UNATTENDED IN THE ROOM WHILE WAITING FOR A WASHER. Salvation Army will not be responsible for lost or damaged items. 


Are you allowed to go out overnight while in program?

No, passes are only approved for Phase 2 and 3 clients.

Passes are a privilege not a right and may be cancelled by the counselor or the Program Manager. Passes must be obtained from the client’s counselor.


Do I need to wash my own bedding?

There is a Linen Exchange and the linen change times will be posted on the Linen Room Door. These times can change so please check this door periodically. 

It is expected that all clients will change bed linens weekly.

Am I expected to journal?

Yes!  During Pre-Treatment/Stabilization you will be provided with a specific journal and during Phase One and onward you will be expected to purchase your own journal and continue journaling.


How many unexcused Foodlines can I miss?

Absence from 2 Foodlines without counsellor’s approval can result in discharge.


Can put up posters and pictures on my walls in my room?

No, posters, pictures etc. are to be mounted on the walls or doors with the approved non-stick “gum adhesive pads”. 



Is visiting in another client's room okay?

No, not inside their room.  You can knock at their door and stand in the doorway and chat, this is okay. 

It is not okay to go inside another client's room, and especially with the door closed.


When is the TV in the client lounge allowed to be used?

The TV and activities in the recreation room are available from 4:00 pm until curfew Monday to Friday. The only exception to this rule is Friday and Saturday nights and holidays; clients can watch TV until 2:00am).


Are visitor's allowed in Harbour Light?

Visitation has been cancelled due to COVID.  Some in-house meetings are allowing outside guests.  The guests are only allowed in the Chapel and the washrooms outside the Chapel.  All guests must check in with the front desk.


My buddies invited me to meet up with them at the local hotel, should I go?

No!  These sites and any risk areas are off limits during your stay at Harbour Light. There is no reason to go into bars or similar establishments when you are not drinking


What if my doctor gives me a prescription?

If your doctor gives you a prescription, bring it back and give it to your Counsellor to submit to our pharmacy.


What are the possible consequences for missing program or not following protocols? 

Some of the consequences can range from verbal warnings, behavioral agreements, written assignments, house confinement, loss of privileges and up to and including immediate discharge from the program at Harbour Light.


Are sunglasses allowed to be worn in the building?

No, sunglasses are not permitted in the building.


What could be cause for immediate discharge?

Examples of immediate discharge are violence, substance use, smoking where not permitted, theft, sexist or racist remarks, or bullying.