
This is the most remote island in the world and is owned by Norway.

What is Bouvet island.


The myth of the African trickster god Anansi tying Tiger is actually not from Africa but this country.

What is Jamaica?


Okapis are most closely related to this other animal.

What is a Giraffe?


This Athenian Historian and General wrote the History of the Peloponnesian War and is also considered the father of scientific history.

Who is Thucydides?


These islands in the Andaman sea were first colonized by the Danish East India Company, and are now currently owned by India.

What are the Nicobar Islands


This god blew Apollo's quoit off course out of jealously leading to the death of Hyacinth. 

Who is Zephyrus?


This is the oldest university in Canada

What is Universite Laval


Seretse Khama was the first president of this country. He greatly contributed to its development using his connections and influence in Britain.

What is Botswana


These two gods of thunder and wind are present in both Shinto and Buddhism and are often pictured together.

Who are Kaminari(Raijin) and Fujin(Futen)?


This is the second most populous city in Austria.

What is Graz?


This country sold the islands of St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas to the United States in 1917.

What is Denmark


This Sumerian god's name means Lord of the Earth and is also the deity of: wisdom, intelligence, tricks and magic, fresh water, healing, creation, and fertility. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers were also believed to have flown from his body.

Who is Enki?


This Greek playwright is rumored to have died from a turtle dropped by a eagle flying overhead.

Who is Aeschylus?


This branch of the Teutonic Knights was based in modern Latvia and Estonia. A similarly named confederation contained the bishoprics of Dorpat, Courland, Osel-Wiek, and the archbishopric of Riga.

What is the Livonian Order

These opposing gods of Polabian Slavic origin are most known for being mentioned in American Gods by Neil Gaiman.

Who are Chernobog and Belobog?


The oldest brewery that of the 8 that later merged to form the Kikkoman corporation in Japan was founded in this year.

What is 1603?


This 130th pope was pretty corrupt and is pretty infamous for some of the stuff he did. He is rumored to have died being thrown out a window by a pretty unhappy husband.

Who is John XII?