Hard Truth

In the book of Jeremiah, this is called deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.

What is the heart? (Jer 17:9 KJV)


The fool says in his heart there is none.

What is God? (Psa 14:1 KJV) 

The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.


John defines sin as the transgression of this.

What is the law or Torah? (1 John 3:4)


Before the flood, God saw that every imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was only this continually.

What is evil? (Gen 6:5 KJV)


What is the judgment for breaking the 9th commandment?

What is all liars having their place in the lake of fire? (Rev 21:8)


The wages of sin.

What is death? (Rom 6:23 KJV)


Turning away your ear from hearing this makes your prayer an abomination.

What is the law or torah? (Proverbs 28:9 KJV)

God’s instructions/law given to His people through Moses.


The new covenant was given to this people.

Who are the houses of Israel and Judah, also known as the Jews? (Jer 31:31, Heb 8:8 KJV)

Blessed are the pure in heart, for that shall do this.

What is see God? (Matt 5:8 KJV)


God’s word is true from the beginning and every one of His righteous judgments endures this long.

What is forever? (Psa 119:160)


The length of time that the wicked will be punished in the lake of fire.

What is eternity or forever? (Matt 25:46 KJV)


In Yeshua’s parable, the foolish man builds his house upon this.

What is the sand? (Matt 7:26 KJV)


Yeshua said whosoever breaks one of the least commandments of the law (Torah) and teaches others to break it will be called this by the people of the kingdom of heaven.

What is least? (Matt 5:19 KJV)


You shall love YEHOVAH your God with all these three things, according to the Torah.

What are the heart, soul, and might (or strength)? (Deut 6:5 KJV)


If you find that a beast killed one of your sheep, you can’t eat it but you should cast it to this.

Who are the dogs? (Exo 22:31)


We cannot establish our own righteousness based on what we think or feel is right (self-righteousness), but it shall be our righteousness unto God only if we do this.

What is keep His commandments? (Deut 6:25, Rom 10:3 KJV)


This emotion rests in the bosom of fools, so we must not be hasty to act on it.

What is anger? (Eccl 7:9, Jam 1:19-20 KJV)


Peter says this kind of interpretation of scriptural prophecy does not exist.

What is private interpretation? (2 Pet 1:20-21 KJV)


While Samuel was looking for this, he assumed God chose a certain man based on his countenance and stature, but God refused that man and told Samuel that He does not look on the outward appearance but upon the heart.

What is a new king? (1 Sam 16:7 KJV)

God refused David’s oldest brother Eliab.


If you find that your cow died of itself in your field but you did not kill it, you cannot eat it, but you can sell it to this person. 

Who is an alien or heathen? (not your brother but someone who does not have a covenant with the Creator)(Deut 14:21 KJV) 


God hates all the workers of this.

What is iniquity? (Psa 5:4-5 KJV)

God hates sinners. We must repent from breaking His commandments.


A fool despises this thing that comes from his father.

What is his father’s instruction (or correction/reproof)? (Prov 15:5 KJV)


In Acts the apostles emphasize that newcomers into Torah refrain from eating these three things.

Strangled animals, blood, and idol sacrifices (Acts 15:29 KJV)


Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of this.

What is life? (Prov 4:23 KJV)


If your cow grazes in your neighbor’s field, this is the restitution.

What is giving the neighbor the best of your own field to replace what your cow ate? (Exo 22:5 KJV)