The meaning behind "Hard-work"
What is commitment?
Meaning of "Skill"
What is a learned ability?
The meaning of "Talent"
What is mental power?
The meaning of "Ability"
What is something that your capable of doing?
The meaning of "Gifted"
what is being born with it?
Example of Hard-work
What is dedicating yourself to be better?
Example of Skill
What is something that you do well in?
Example of Talent
What is being naturally good at something?
Example of Ability
What is Capability?
Example of Gifted
What is Talent?
Synonym for dedication
What is motivation?
Synonym for Prowess
What is mastery?
Synonym for Strong point
What is power?
Synonym for potential
What is possible?
Synonym for accomplishment
What is skillful?
"Hard-work is superior"
What is Talent works hard?
"having skill means everything"
What is development within days or hours?
"Talent beats Hard-work"
What is to not stop training?
"Ability comes slowly"
What is Confidence?
"Being gifted means being good at everything"
What is laziness?