When was Solon born
640 BC
What is the rule of two
There shall only be two sith, for one is to crave the power as the other embodies it
When did greece fall
146 BC
what religion was queen elizabeth I
Who was King Henry VIII's fourth wife
Anne of cleves
What is the definition of Vernacular
the common language
How did russia keep the nazis out
they were stalin
What is manorialism
a self sufficient community
how many wives did king henry VIII have
Who was King Henry VIII's fifth wife
Catherine Howard
Who united Europe during the middle ages
How did russia keep the nazis out
its a joke
they were stalin
what is the Reconquista
When the church declared war on muslims
Who was King Henry VIII's first wife
Catherine of Aragon
Who was King Henry VIII's sixth wife
Catherine Parr
What is excommunication
Banning an area from worship
Who was genghis khan's grandchildren
Kublai Khan, Batu Khan, etc.
What is the Magna Carta
a book that held the king to the law
Who was King Henry VIII's second wife
Anne Boleyn
Who succeeded king henry viii
Edward VI
what is a flying buttress
a slanted buttress hanging in the air to strengthen a structure
when did alexander the great become king
356 BC
What does Renaissance mean
Who was King Henry VIII's third wife
Jane Seymour
Which of henry VIII's wives had queen elizabeth I
Anne Boleyn