Harlem Renaissance
Literary and Artistic Works

The African American cultural movement with an immense amount of creativity of music, theatre, literary, and visual arts which celebrated African heritage and rejected degrading and unethical stereotypes. 

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


This writer wrote the poem, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers". (Hint: This is one of the lines: "My soul has grown deep like the rivers.")

Who is Langston Hughes?


This state is where the heart of the Harlem Renaissance was located. 

What is New York?


This movement laid the groundwork and paved the way for all later African American literature while also representing and bringing interest to Black culture and experience to America; it redefined how people of other ethnicities viewed African Americans. 

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


Langston Hughes wrote this poem and it displays a desire for equality. 

(Hint: One of the lines is "I, too, am America.")

What is "I, Too"


This event contributed to the beginnings of this movement and was a social foundation. (Hint: This event was when African Americans from the rural South went to the urban North)

What is the Great Migration?


This person was a trumpeter (someone who plays the trumpet), a vocalist, and the first great jazz soloist. 

(Hint: One of his songs is called "What a Wonderful World")

Who is Louis Armstrong?


This residential district was formerly white but was becoming a Black city in the borough of Manhattan. 

What is Harlem?


This type of African American music spread from New Orleans to Harlem to throughout the country and even became a worldwide sensation; its impact is shown as this genre is still popular today, the 21st century. 

What is jazz?

Zora Neale Hurtson is a folklorist and writer who wrote this novel; it is her second novel and considered her finest book.  

What is Their Eyes Were Watching God? 


The time period of the Harlem Renaissance. 

What is from 1918 to 1937?


This female American folklorist and writer said this famous quote: "I have the nerve to walk my own way, however hard, in my search for reality, rather than climb upon the rattling wagon of wishful illusions.” 

Who is Zora Neale Hurtson?


This popular nightspot had famous African American entertainers who performed for white audiences, and it closed in 1940; it had many popular figures entertain here like Duke Ellington.

What is the Cotton Club?

This person's debut novel is considered to be the last book of the movement. 

Who is Arna Bontemps?


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) published this magazine which was significant to the movement, and it is considered to be the world's oldest Black publication. 

(Hint: It was edited by W.E.B. Du Bois.) 

What is The Crisis?


The Harlem Renaissance was different compared to other literary and artistic movements for having a close relationship to these organizations. 

What are civil rights and reform organizations?


This American painter and graphic artist made this piece, "Let My People Go", and taught at Fisk University. 

Who is Aaron Douglas? 


This theatre allowed for African Americans to perform and was a venue that helped for various black performers to kickstart their careers. 

What is the Apollo Theatre?


European avant-garde artists drew inspiration from this type of mask as they went from realistic representational styles to abstraction in sculptures and paintings. 

What are African masks?


Claude McKay was a poet and novelist and wrote this novel which is the most popular novel written by an American black at that time. 

What is Home to Harlem?


The Harlem Renaissance inspired this literary movement in Paris that protested against French colonial rule and assimilation. 

What is Negritude / French Négritude. 


This American pianist was one of the greatest jazz composers and bandleaders; he was one of the originators of big-band jazz. 

(Hint: He made one jazz classic called, "Take the 'A' Train".) 

Who is Duke Ellington? 


Owen Madden, a notorious Manhattan underworld figure, bought this nightclub and renamed the establishment the Cotton Club. 

(Hint: Jack Johnson, the first African American heavyweight boxing champion, opened this club.)

What is the Club Deluxe?


The Great Migration had at least this many African Americans move to Harlem. 

What is 175,000 African Americans?


Eugene O'Neill created this drama and this drama was the playwright's first attempt at Expressionist writing; it was originally called The Silver Bullet. 

What is The Emperor Jones?