HR Gear/Kit Contents
HR Principles
Overdose & Response

How is Naloxone Administered?

-Remove spray from packaging

-Tilt the person's head backward

-Place plunger in the person's nose

-firmly press the plunger to administer dose into person's nose

-Place person into the "recovery position"

-Wait approximately 2 minutes to give an additional dose if the person does not respond to initial dosage


Name 3 HR principles (according to the National Harm Reduction Coalition).

-drug use is here, we work to minimize harm

-it is a complex issue, there are safer ways to do things

-quality of life matters

-be non-judgmental

-people who use drugs should have a say in HR matters

-aim to empower with strategies

-acknowledge that society affects an individual's vulnerability and capacity to deal with drug-related harm

-do not minimize/ignore that substance use is harmful and dangerous


What are some symptoms of an opioid overdose?

-unresponsive to touch or sound

-limp body

-slow or non-existent breathing patterns


-clammy and/or blue/grey skin complexion

-small pupils


What are 3 examples of stimulants ("uppers")?







What are the contents of a fentanyl kit?

-Green bag

-2 straight pipes

-4 rubber mouth pieces

-5 alcohol pads


-condoms + lubricant


What are some ways we can follow our HR principles?

-educate, support, and advocate

-avoid biases and be empathetic and compassionate

-safer strategies (safer use, safer places, safer supply)

-navigate through potential barriers to access (spread the principles, directing to supports/referrals)


What should you do if you suspect an individual has overdosed?

-call 911

-administer naloxone

-perform CPR if breathing/heart stops

-remember that naloxone does not fully treat the patient, and that medical attention is still required

-recovery position (maintain a safe distance as patients can become hostile/confused upon waking up from naloxone treatment)

-monitor individual until professional assistance arrives


What are 3 examples of depressants ("downers")?


-benzodiazepines (Xanax)










How should Naloxone kits be tracked in our Neogear chat when given to a participant?

-participant's initials x2

-birth year

-# of kits given

-Lot number (found typically on the back of container)

-expiration date


How can we prevent the risk of an overdose? What are some safe use strategies? 

-provide and educate our participants with naloxone kits/training

-educate on the risks of particular forms of drug-use

-clean and safe gear

-avoid using alone

-know where your substances are coming from

-know your limit


What are the main differences between someone who is "on the nod" vs suspected overdose?

-generally speaking, people who are nodding off are responsive to touch or sound

-slurred speech

-head bowing


Name the most popular ways of opioid ingestion.






Where are the majority of our HR materials located in the office?

In the black cabinet beside the kitchen!


What are the stages of change?







***it is important to note that an individual may exit and re-enter at any stage of change. 


What are some differences between opioid overdose vs simulant overdose?

-stimulant overdoses have symptoms of agitation, sweating, paranoia, rapid breathing, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat.

-opioid overdoses have symptoms of slow breathing, pinpoint pupils, blue lips/nails, cold/clammy skin, limp body. 


What are some physical symptoms of opioid use?

-slurred speech





-sores on body and/or face




-slowed breathing

-memory issues