What is a benefit of Harm Reduction?
It helps decrease the risks associated with an activity without you having to abstain from it
It recognizes people experience benefits to certain activities such as using drugs or drinking but promotes them in a safer way
How can you keep the people you use or drink with safe?
- Carry naloxone
- Know an emergency contact if they OD
- Keep water around
- Have clean kits
- Don't share needles
Eating helps sober you up?
MYTH! Only time will allow you to sober up, however eating things such as crackers can help soak up some of the excess alcohol.
What is the name of our newest staff member?
What are 2 different street names for methamphetamine?
Tina, Ice, Glass
Share something you should do before you start drinking or using?
-Eat a meal
-Drink some water
-Set a limit
-Charge your phone if you have one
-Have a buddy to stick with
How do you put someone in a recovery position?
Place person on side, leaning on high arm, and propped up with knee and other arm. Keeps their airway open, prevents choking on vomit.
Beer before liquor never been sicker. Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
MYTH! The amount you drink matters more than the type of drinks you consume or how you mix them. Drinking too much of any alcohol too quickly can make you sick, whether it's wine, beer, or liquor. No matter what you're drinking, pacing is key.
What day did Nicole from Elections Ontario say the provincial election is happening?
February 27
Name 2 substances frequently found in fentanyl samples tested by the Toronto Drug Checking Service
Veterinary tranquilizers, benzodiazepine-related drugs, caffeine, etomethazene (twice as strong as fentanyl)
What are some ways to keep safe while drinking or doing drugs?
-Have a safe place to be (friends house, bar, public space)
-Let people know what your are taking or doing
-Have a buddy with you
-Have naloxone on hand
Name a place you can access naloxone kits in the City
-Shoppers Drug Mart
- SCSs
False! You cannot harm someone by administering naloxone
Where is Cera from?
BC or Ireland
What is the major downfall when coming down off stimulant drug.
Feelings of depression. With serotonin levels in the brain depleted, feelings of depression can set in. Can be worse with someone who has pre-existing mental health conditions.
List some factors that will affect how many drinks it takes a person to get drunk?
-Amount of sleep
-Food intake
-Body weight
List 3 things you can do to help if someone is having a ‘bad trip’?
-Stay with them (unless the situation becomes unsafe, call for support) -Bring them to a quiet safe area -Remind them they are safe with you -Contact police, security, ambulance (Safety is far more important than worrying about consequences)
Alcohol warms up the body.
MYTH! It slows down the heart rate and dilates blood vessels, which can make you feel warmer but increases risk of hypothermia. (Dress warm, especially in Ottawa winters)
What days does the Meeting Place serve meals?
Wednesdays and Saturdays
What is the danger of mixing a stimulant with a depressant ?
A depressant will decrease your heart rate while a stimulant would increase your heart rate. This could cause heart failure and/or other damage to your heart.
Name a place to go for information and help around substance and alcohol abuse.
-Counseling Services
-Case Managers
-Harm Reduction Consultant
-Health Services
Where can you get your drugs tested locally to see what's in them?
Using harm reduction strategies while participating in drinking or drug use reduces the risk of experiencing harm associated.
FACT Harm reduction strategies such as not mixing drugs and alcohol, ensuring you have buddies to stick with, pacing your drinks, eating prior to and during, alternating water and alcohol are all proven to reduce the harms associated with alcohol or drug use/
What did this building used to function as?
What can you do if you suspect someone is having an overdose?
- shout their name and test for responsiveness and breathing
- if no response administer naloxone
- Contact 911
- Perform CPR and rescue breathing if comfortable
- Continue to administer naloxone every 2 minutes until the individual is responsive or emergency services arrive