Objectification of Women
Exploitation of Players
Mental Health Impacts

This percentage of pediatricians and parents believe violent video games will lead to aggressive behavior in children.

What is 90% of pediatricians and 67% of parents (Lindner)?


Despite the game’s challenge of stereotypical tropes for female characters, this Tomb Raider protagonist still falls short of representation because despite being a dominant personality and her characteristics generally being associated with male characters, early in the game’s history her hypersexualized body was still her most important feature.

Who is Lara Croft (Strum)?


These are subscriptions or extra content you can buy within a mobile app that are oftentimes exploitative towards young children.

What are In-App Purchases (IAPs) (Osborne)?


This is a unique syndrome, newly diagnosed and includes experiencing symptoms such as withdrawal tolerance, loss of interest in other activities, and downplaying game use.

What is Internet Gaming Disorder (Grinspoon)?


Research shows that kids who reported playing video games frequently were this much more likely to be sent to the principal's office compared to those who rarely played.

What is 9% compared to 4.8% (Moyer)?


The sexual objectification of women in video games not only contributes to male gamers being more tolerant of violence towards women in real life, but also results in negative impacts to this sense of control over one's behaviors and actions in female gamers.

What is self-efficacy (Gestos, et al.)?


This is the practice of companies, such as Temu for example, applying game design elements to non-gaming industries, oftentimes to exploit employees and consumers.

What is gamification (The Investopedia Team)?


This genre of video games especially is a causal risk factor for aggressive behavior, cognition, and decreased empathy.

What are violent video games (Prot, et al.)?


In a study by Hull and his colleagues, they found that this ethnic group seems more susceptible to the effects of violent video games.

Who are white players (Moyer)?


Male players are actively encouraged to think of women's bodies as something they are entitled to interact with because of this belief structure.

What is Male Entitlement (Sarkeesian, et al.)?


Of all of the members on the online gaming platform Steam, this percentage of gamers are considered to be addicted to video games.

What is between 14.6% and 18.3% (Castelo-Branco and Manchanda)?


Intense urges for screen time, cutting back on social or recreational activities, and displaying signs of irritability, anxiety or anger when forced to stop playing are all tell-tale signs of this mental disorder.

What is game addiction (Luker)?


According to research, this high percentage of the most popular video games include some form of violent content.

What is 80% (Lindner)?


Although 47% of all gamers are female, only this percent of gaming executives are women.

What is 16% (Yokoi)?


This type of player makes up a small percentage of the player base but makes up more than half of a company's revenue.

What are whales (Sinclair)?


This can lead the brain to being revved up in a constant state of hyperarousal.

What is excessive engagement in video games (Luker)?


According to Hull's research, this cultural norm in American society may influence how kids react to violent video games.

What is rugged individualism and warriors like mentality (Moyer)?


The 'Women as Reward' Trope in video games reinforces this "tendency for men to view women as objects to be collected and displayed as status symbols of their sexual prowess or virility."

What is Trophyism (Sarkeesian, et al.)?


These are user interface tricks that are designed to trick or deceive you by changing and directing your behavior, such as making it difficult to unsubscribe or making you unknowingly spend money.

What are dark patterns (Ravenscraft)?


Studies have confirmed that people who do this tend to get less sleep and experience lower sleep quality.

What is spend too much time gaming (Sanner)?