Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
Forms of Energy
Energy Vocabulary
Short Response Questions

Which one has kinetic energy?

A soccer ball flying through the air

A soccer ball on the ground

A soccer ball on the table 

A soccer ball flying through the air


Which one of these has potential energy?

A charged battery

A person skateboarding down a ramp

A charged battery


What form of energy is music? 

Sound Energy 


What is evidence? 

Information that is used to support or go against a claim. 


Explain one of the systems you created and how it works. 

Answers may vary.


What is one example of something that has kinetic energy? 

Answers may vary 


Name something that has potential energy.

Answers may vary. 


What form of energy is a fire place? 

Thermal Energy 


What is a claim?

Answer to a question about the natural world. 


One fitness magazine suggested that the food that you eat is like a battery because it has energy. Do you think that the banana that Ms. Young ate before she ran had energy? Explain why you think this.

I know that Ms. Young has energy because he is running. She had to get that energy to run from somewhere, and I think that energy came from the banana.


Which point in a rollercoaster is there the most kinetic energy?

When the rollercoaster is going down a big hill. 


Which one has more potential energy?

A bow and arrow being stretched 

A bow and arrow not being stretched 

A bow and arrow being stretched


What converts kinetic in electrical energy?



What is the definition of energy?

The ability to make things move or change. 


After Ms. Young plugs her phone into a battery pack, does the amount of energy in the battery pack increase, decrease, or stay the same? Explain why.

The amount of energy in the battery pack decreases after Ms. Young plugs his phone into it. This is because energy is transferred from the battery pack to his phone, so there must be less energy in the battery pack.

When does a wind-up toy have kinetic energy?

When the toy is wound up and moving across a the platform. 


Which point of a rollercoaster is the potential energy at its highest? 

When the rollercoaster is at its tallest peek. 


Which form of energy is lightning? 

Electrical Energy 


What is the definition of transfer? 

To move from one object to another or one place to another. 


Why would Ms. Young;s phone start playing music again when she plugs her phone into a battery pack?

Ms. Young's phone started playing music again when she plugged her phone in because the battery transferred energy to her phone.


What is Kinetic Energy? 

The energy that something has because it is moving. 


What is Potential Energy?

The energy that is stored in an object or system. 


Which form of energy are we helping the rescue team create energy for? 

Light energy 


What is the definition of convert? 

To change from one type to another.


Halfway through Ms. Young's run, her music stopped playing, was there energy in Ms. Young's phone? What is your evidence?

Halfway through Ms. Young's run when the music stopped playing, there was no energy in her phone. My evidence is that her phone couldn’t play music anymore.